Movies you like that no one else does

Troy...personally I think this is a very cool movie, along with great fight scenes. Alot of guys dogged this movie, because they say Brad Pitt is too much of a pretty boy. Personally, I think the guy is cool, so I have no problem with him.

Concur. It was widely panned and had a lot of historical innacuracies (I always chuckle over Achilles' "cousin" Patroclus....yeah, uh-huh, *wink wink*), but I really enjoyed it. (The Sword of Troy and Achilles' sword both have lousy hefts, though. We decided this after trying them at Dragon*Con. bleh)

I recently saw -- and actually enjoyed -- Lords of Dogtown, even though I'm about as far from the skater culture as you can imagine. As I recall the movie wasn't too well received.
I'll say Dumb and Dumber (just for Tammy :lol:)

My real vote goes to Elizabethtown. A lot of people give this movie shit and say it's not as good as Cameron Crowe's other films like Say Anything and Almost Famous but I think Elizabethtown is a great movie in its own right.
Big Trouble in Little China, one of the greatest cinematic masterpieces of all time. :D/QUOTE]

Not to mention the fact that Mortal Kombat seems to "borrow" a few elements from it.

I love all those quirky John Carpenter movies. You can't get the funding to make an off the wall movie like that anymore. Sadly, In The Mouth of Madness was the last halfway decent thing Carpenter did.
  • Rock and Roll High School (the Ramones :rock: )
  • Big Trouble
  • Big Trouble in Little China
  • Rockula, Ski School (ok, pretty much ANY Dean Cameron movie :) )
  • Maid to Order (stupid Ally Sheedy movie with members of Great White in the band)
  • Flash Gordon (oh man..i am SO there whenever it's on :) )
  • the Prophecy (just the first one)
  • Modern Girls
  • Hackers
i love all sorts of silly and ridiculous movies...these are just the first to pop into my head...
I recently saw -- and actually enjoyed -- Lords of Dogtown, even though I'm about as far from the skater culture as you can imagine. As I recall the movie wasn't too well received.

You and I both. I'd kill myself if I tried to ride a skateboard! :lol: With that said, I enjoyed the movie for the entertainment value.

Rock Star...I'll probably get flamed for admitting to liking this movie, but I find it funny, entertaining, and the music is very good. :rock: I wish that Blas Elias had been the drummer for Steel Dragon instead of Jason Bonham though.

I like Rock Star a lot...the first half of the movie is great. The second half, with the 'rise of grunge' ending, isn't as fun, but it's not bad either. Supposedly kinda-sorta based on Ripper Owens' joining Judas Priest straight from a cover/tribute band.
Well a lot of the stuff I enjoyed watching when I was younger, and even now to day, would make the "almost nobody likes it but me list"! :lol:

We're talking stuff like the old Godzilla flicks (except that abomination that came out several years ago with Matthew Broderick in it -- that movie should have been shit canned before it was released), Japanese sci-fi like "The Mysterians" or "The War in Space", old cheesy black and white monster movies like "Tarantula", "The Monolith Monsters", or "The Black Scorpion", and so on. Anyone remember "Kingdom of the Spiders"? It's sooooo bad that it becomes watchable do to the incessant laugh factor.

Hell, I even enjoy watching "Red Dawn". Wolverines!!!!
Lots of folks hated "Night at the Roxbury" but I love it....

I'm sure there are countless others but I've already dug myself a deep enough hole! :p
But the one movie I love the most that none of my friends care for is DREAM A LITTLE DREAM... Cory Haim and Cory Feldman...Meredith Salanger, Jason Robards, Harry Dean Stanton, Piper Laurie...great flick!

I like a lot of those cheesy 80's teen flicks as well. I liked the one both Corys played in called LICENSE TO DRIVE. LIKE FATHER LIKE SON starring Kirk Cameron and Dudley Moore is a cult classic too. LUCAS starring Corey Haim and Charlie Sheen is great if you like a little 80's Velveeta on the side. :cool:

Another awful movie that I can't help but watch is "The Secret of My Success" with Michael J wraps up everything bad about the 80's in one horribly stereotypical, cheesy package.