
jimbobhickville said:
I must be the only person who thought the Shining was a total piece of crap. Everyone except Jack Nicholson can't act for crap, and towards the end it just got weird for weird's sake. Then again, I don't really care for many of Kubrick's other films, so maybe his style just doesn't gel with me.

well stephen king thought it was crap too
personally I liked it
King hated The Shining because it doesnt follow the book nearly at all. That being said, Kubrick's SHining is much better than the book. King is a shit writer, but he's a better story teller than all those authors y'all talk about put together.
Crimson Velvet said:
I liked it VERY MUCH! V was a very well done charater, that they actually managed to make believable! And that chick did a very good job, too. A really, really solid film!

Having seen it at the cinema my girlfriend and I just booked tickets to see this on one of the IMAX cinemas here in London :cool: How cool will this film be on a screen 25m x 20m?
blue velvet. i saw you fuckers talking about it awhile back so i had to see it. wierd but not as wierd as say, mullholland drive. one of my new favorite lines is, "Heineken? Fuck THAT shit! Pabst! Blue Ribbon!"
dorian gray said:
blue velvet. i saw you fuckers talking about it awhile back so i had to see it. wierd but not as wierd as say, mullholland drive. one of my new favorite lines is, "Heineken? Fuck THAT shit! Pabst! Blue Ribbon!"

haha yeah I remember when NAD saw it then complained cause it wasn't weird enough, or somethin'.

I think it's great, one of his Lynch's best.
Chromatose said:
haha yeah I remember when NAD saw it then complained cause it wasn't weird enough, or somethin'.
bwahaha! anyone know on what page(s) i might find the blue velvet remarks? i remember you guys talking about it but it was awhile back
I saw Silent Hill tonight. Long story short: It had a shitload wrong with it but it was still pretty cool. Not having played 1-3 of the 4 game series I can't say how close it was to those but a friend of mine who's a huge fan thought they did a great job with it.

Great old school indie film style affair ...

Terrence Howard (the main black lead in CRASH) total tour de force ... great stuff
Angel Heart

Pretty rad, I remember this being a ridiculously creepy movie when I was a little kid. I liked it, and will probably like it more in a few days. Lisa Bonet had some titties, waow.
First story directed by Antonioni was ok, some great visuals, but generally with a pretty vague approach. The guy still has it in him though, and he is 90 years old.
The segment directed by Soderbergh was very very good, and weird for his style. Robert Downey JR kicks ass.
The last segment directed by Kar Wai Wong is a fuckin masterpiece. The most beautiful of the three pieces, and the most heart breaking one too. Excellent performances and a wonderfull story.