
i have no problem with gay people ... but I do hate it when they do the afore mentioned prancing ... but I also hate when hetero dudes act all macho and whistle at chiks.

damn this post sounds gay ...
What reason would a person have for hating them that you would consider reasonable?

P.S AIDS is my best friend.

@ Nad, yea that macho whistling is demeaning not only to the women involved, but also to the ones doing the whistling. Show some fucking class you inbredded sows!
I'm not sure, but at least I'm not simply hating you for hating queers.

edit: in fact, I don't hate you at all. I don't even hate that you hate queers. I just find it kind of funny that all you have to justify it is a pile of convoluted rhetoric that pretty much amounts to paranoia and speculation. if someone gives me ideas that i find fit with my understanding of this world and the people in it, i'll be happy to concede. so far, all you've given me is "OH NOES I CAN'T STAND LOOKING AT THEM BECAUSE EWWW.. AND THEY'RE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DOWNFALL OF MANLINESS AND SOCIETY IN GENERAL"
So it's the prancing you don't like then? since obviously you aren't seeing them having buttsex on the street, I hope.
I knew a straight guy that pranced like that though, as well, and it was fuckin horrible.
Reign in Acai said:
It's unnatural, don't you agree? And don't liberally say "How is loving another human being unnatural?"

I am speaking specifically in the physical sense.

Tell me how it is unnatural. It is unnatural if you assume that the only purpose for sexual activity is reproduction.

It is an attraction between one person and another. Tell me how any such attraction is unnatural?

edit: is it unnatural because you were taught that guys liked girls and girls liked guys before you found out that other things were possible?
Does a penis naturally or unnaturally fit in an anus? Answer this question!!!

Male to male attraction stems from a mental deficiency. Most of these people never received the attention they were craving as wee lads. Maybe they seen how little Judy Steinback was the queen of the playground. Knowing that their male body parts would never be sufficient to arouse such popularity, they turn towards cocksucking for acceptance. These chaps (no pun intended) never got to feel the gratification that comes with the comraderie of participating in sports. They lacked the physical attributes. So in turn, they fulfill this void by joining a cadre of cuntfearing faggoths who will accept them on the sole premise that they lay at night in a limp-wristed heap of despair.

This being merely one example.

So is beastiality also natural? Hey there's many sick fucks who are "attracted" to the beautiful finish that comes with the hide of a horse. Black bristly tail swaying back and forth begging for a Mr Ed Barnwrecking. So fuck, why not just poke "Sea Biscuit" in the bum then? Since any and all sexual activity is considered normal as long as there is some attraction to involved, right? Oy vey!
That first paragraph is pure imaginative speculation. I didn't play sports, didn't get attention from girls, had no friends, got picked on a lot in school, and I still have never to this day been interested in men. I simply beat it to pictures of chicks with nice racks and luscious curves on the 'net until a real one happened to fall into my lap (she asked me out and we've been together ever since.)

You have passion in your argument, I'll give you that. You do, however, completely ignore the issue of people who choose to have sex with other men purely for the hell of it after or WHILE engaging in lots of sex with women. People can choose to do what they want for their own reasons, this doesn't mean they were deprived/repressed as a child, nor does it make them insane or diseased. I am simply advocating the freedom to choose, 'cause I think we both know that you, me, and most others would like to be able to do what we/they want without being labelled insane for it.

So you move on to another imaginative assuption - that anyone who is attracted to an animal is a degenerate of some kind. While I couldn't fathom participating in such a tryst myself, I don't know if I'd go so far as to make a broad, generalized statement about a group of people I care neither to understand or accept. Go on hating gays all you want, but try to justify your hate as common sense, or say that something as harmless as a penis being inserted into an anus unnatural, and I'm going to refute on the grounds that your definition of 'natural' is weak as hell. You still haven't given me any reason to see it otherwise, and I've taken you seriously in everything you've said.

edit: imagine a guy with a really big cock railing some tiny asian bint. you think that thing is going to fit in there comfortably? no fucking way! does that make them both sick or 'unnatural'?
Reign in Acai said:
It's unnatural, don't you agree? And don't liberally say "How is loving another human being unnatural?"

I am speaking specifically in the physical sense.
Speaking literally, no. Homosexual behavior occurs in many other primate groups, including our closest relatives, chimpanzees. Assuming that sex is purely for procreation, then yes, it's unnatural, but it's painfully obvious there is much more to sex than procreation. With your logic, masturbation it unnatural. Personally, I'm with you - I find homosexuality disgusting and don't want my son to be around gay people - but there's nothing inherently "wrong" with it.
Demilich said:
That first paragraph is pure imaginative speculation. I didn't play sports, didn't get attention from girls, had no friends, got picked on a lot in school, and I still have never to this day been interested in men.

No. You just winded up posting threads about social anxiety on internet message boards is all.

Gays, these poor saps transcend the boundaries of social inadequacy. If a gay male were so fortunate enough to have experiences with persons of the opposite gender, it was too little too late. They had reached the point of no return. They already clearly had their mind imbedded with the ways of the wayward. How would they possibly be able to get back at all the jocks who made fun of them walking down the halls? Surely, not by conforming to mainstream society and engaging in a monogamous heterosexual relationship. No! They may of not thought of this consciously. But deep down they knew the only way to get revenge on the varsity wrestling team was to spread their asscheeks like butter on toast. Yep that's how to stick it to em all right.

Remember this is just one example. There's many ways one could become a flaming filthy faggot. And I don't condone any of them. For to be a flaming faggot, you must be a weak minded individual. Can't handle being picked on? Can't handle being neglected by your parents? Feel frustrated that the opposite sex pays no attention to you? Well buck up!!! None of these are justifiable reasons to let another man violate your pooper. This sexual deviance is not going to right any wrongs. The problem is farther down than that. You enjoy another man's company? Cool! Go to a fucking hockey game!

Furthermore, We Are Man. So don't compare us to primal beings. I would like to think that we are above animals who eat their own shit for brunch.
Reign in Acai said:
Furthermore, We Are Man. So don't compare us to primal beings. I would like to think that we are above animals who eat their own shit for brunch.

I think this is indicative of the problem I have with your arguments. When you would LIKE to think something, you justify it through very imaginative hypothetical situations and hackneyed religious rhetoric. What you're missing is that some of the other possible things that lead people to be gay are not tearjerking tales of schoolyard bullying or being too nerdy to nail a chick, but curiosity, the desire to experiment, open-mindedness, and the ability to see beyond tired stereotypes. You have dodged all the questions I posed, which is another recurring figure in your arguments. Unless you bring something different to the table, I'm done with this discussion. I agree to disagree... ah well.
Reign in Acai said:
No. You just winded up posting threads about social anxiety on internet message boards is all.

Read up on the topic below a bit and you may see why I'm going to take the high road and not try to defend myself against this. You can go on taking stabs at people as a tactic in discussion, but it isn't doing much to your advantage.

Wikipedia said:
An ad hominem argument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin, literally "argument against the person") or attacking the messenger, involves replying to an argument or assertion by attacking the person presenting the argument or assertion rather than the argument itself. It is usually, though not always, a logical fallacy
While I really do admire both RIA and your convictions Demilich, you have to understand that some people are just going to believe what they believe, irregardless of whether or not others think they can logically justify it. Rhetoric and upbringings are powerful things that affect everyone more than they care to realize themselves.
Aye, I understand that. You might give this a shot: Try to understand that I am simply voicing my opinion and expressing my convictions, which are very important to me. The dismal probability of Jerry coming around on the issue doesn't deter me from expounding my beliefs.

edit: i understand that this series of posts may be out of place in the Movies forum, but hey, NAD mentioned Brokeback Mountain!
Demilich said:
Read up on the topic below a bit and you may see why I'm going to take the high road and not try to defend myself against this. You can go on taking stabs at people as a tactic in discussion, but it isn't doing much to your advantage.

Bro, I in all honesty did not intend that as a personal jab. Just pointing out that the bullying and isolation you felt during your teen years is comparitive to some of the treatment these people experience in their childhood that later often lead to dehumanizing acts. Be thankful you have a loving gf. You've been spared.

And with that I draw this conversation to a close.
Fair enough. You've done it so many other times that your explanation for this one isn't going to cut it, but I'm happy with ending this conversation here.

I honestly don't think I would have turned gay if I hadn't found a girl 3.5 years ago as I did. I would've continued to be lonely, bored and boring until something else came along. In fact, if I didn't find this amazing girl, I'd have never developed the selfconfidence that allowed me to put up such an argument in the first place.

Either way, its been fun! I hope people like En Vind can understand that I honestly enjoyed having that chance to get that stuff out, regardless of whether you were convinced.

As usual, no hard feelings at all! You're a funny, intelligent guy who just happens to disagree with me on something that we both take very seriously.
Demilich said:
Fair enough. You've done it so many other times that your explanation for this one isn't going to cut it, but I'm happy with ending this conversation here.

I honestly don't think I would have turned gay if I hadn't found a girl 3.5 years ago as I did. I would've continued to be lonely, bored and boring until something else came along. In fact, if I didn't find this amazing girl, I'd have never developed the selfconfidence that allowed me to put up such an argument in the first place.

Either way, its been fun! I hope people like En Vind can understand that I honestly enjoyed having that chance to get that stuff out, regardless of whether you were convinced.

As usual, no hard feelings at all! You're a funny, intelligent guy who just happens to disagree with me on something that we both take very seriously.

I really do understand, I was just being a tree hugging hippie and trying to promote peace for a moment. I think its good that the discussion remained very civil and didnt degenerate into silly name calling as some of these discussions have in the past. And Jerry, despite my disagreements with some of your beliefs your a damn funny guy and great addition to these parts in my opinion.