-- In the Mood For Love - found it to be a little too drawn out. I got bored by the end. I like Chungking Express a lot more. It's still a lot better than 2046 or whatever the sequel was called.
Agreed, but then 2046 was really, really bad. I didn't like that one at all, I found in the Mood for Love far more watchable, but as you say, very slow moving.
-- X-Men - fan-freakin-tastic. A bit short, though. They should've drawn it out with more mutant fighting scenes, but I know they ran out of money
I prefer number two, but it was a solid blockbuster, much better than most comic book remakes.
-- Batman Begins - great stuff, although the fighting scenes are shot too close-up (damn you Nolan, pull back a bit).
Yeah, really liked this one too. The plot esposition was ridiculous (they must have said "when it gets to the central hub, the entire system is going to blow" about 10 times in the last 15 minutes of that movie) but it was dark, which worked really well, and just good fun.
-- Million Dollar Baby - great movie. Needs to be seen precisely once.
Yes, it was good, and I'm now selling the DVD as I'm pretty sure I'm never going to see it again. I've rarely found any films as unremittingly bleak and downheartening as that was.
-- Everything is Illuminated - I want to see this one
Well worth seeing, comes recommended. They manage a good balance between comedy and drama, and it's just a really... nice film. In a gay way. I have more respect for Liev Schreiber as a result, and it's nice to see a holocaust film that isn't completely fixated on Nazis.
-- Independence Day - was my favorite movie when it came out. I'm almost scared to watch it again, for fear that my teenagehood will be raped.
Haha, it hasn't aged so well, but I loved it when I was a teenager and have come to peace with what I think now I'm no longer so young