
jimbobhickville said:
Batman Begins - great stuff, although the fighting scenes are shot too close-up (damn you Nolan, pull back a bit).

My thoughts exactly. When did this trend for close-zoomed, fast edited, shaky-cam fight sequences begin, and when will it fuck off and let us actually see some of the action again? Other than that, amazing film.
I saw Pirates II a few hours ago. I didn't like it as much as I did the first. This one seemed too long, wasn't as fun, and didn't resolve a damned thing. I also didn't get the dice game they were playing nor why they decided they had to race up that cliff in the bone cages. I also missed Depp being such a miserable ladies man with so many different chicks. I was not entertained by the little affair between his character and Knightley's. And wasn't that pirate captain from the first one that showed up at the end of this one killed? What, is he some kind of voodoo zombie now?

Ah well, it was entertaining but didn't have the magic of the first.
Anyone else find movies like Superman, Pirates 2, XMen, and their ilk, a complete turn off? I can't even watch stuff like that anymore.
X-men 3 was really bad. I mean really bad. I was perfectly entertained after leaving the theatre, then within a few days I adopted a "nah FUCK that" persona toward it. Holy BALLS was it shit.

That one scene toward the end when they see The Cure bullets being used on their own kind and have a little Family Matters piano scene moment, and you think they are going to say "enough is enough, mutants unite!!!"? NO! They go and kill their own kind just like the filthy my pals (aka human) lovers they are! Fags.

Then the Golden Gate Bridge part right, the object is for the baddies to KILL everyone on that island (was it supposed to be Alcatraz? I forget), but OH NO, let's just drop it 50 feet shy of crushing everything so we can make sure the good guys win, why bother making things easy?
NADatar said:
That one scene toward the end when they see The Cure bullets being used on their own kind and have a little Family Matters piano scene moment, and you think they are going to say "enough is enough, mutants unite!!!"? NO! They go and kill their own kind just like the filthy my pals (aka human) lovers they are! Fags.

This is symbolic to how the white race has been led astray by the belief that we actually owe filthy disgusting underground railroad riding tootsie roll fingered filth, repentance for actions that were completely justified in another time and age. They should be thankful we emancipated them from the cauldron of A.I.D.S that would be waiting for them come the conclusion of the 20th century. The white race is weak, we're running out of time, and don't need incidents like this. Raise the banner of hope and remove from your sight the visualization of 10 negars going knuckle to knuckle on baskteball courts and rap stages worldwide. Let Freedom ring, let freedom ring!!! :kickass:
dorian gray said:
Anyone else find movies like Superman, Pirates 2, XMen, and their ilk, a complete turn off? I can't even watch stuff like that anymore.

yeah, who gives a fuck about them?

Kevin Smith on the radio the other day was ranting about how fluffy and gay the new Superman is ... not punching anything, just flying around and making appearances. :lol:
The Bicycle Thief

As I watched it, I thought it was no big deal other than the kid who was effin' brilliant. So immediately afterwards I watched the lengthy 4 minute preview, and EVERY scene they showed I thought "ooh I loved that scene... oooh that was an excellent shot... ahhh that was breathtaking...." Powerful stuff, sometimes it just takes a minute or two to sink in. :goggly:
Russell said:
-- In the Mood For Love - found it to be a little too drawn out. I got bored by the end. I like Chungking Express a lot more. It's still a lot better than 2046 or whatever the sequel was called.

Agreed, but then 2046 was really, really bad. I didn't like that one at all, I found in the Mood for Love far more watchable, but as you say, very slow moving.

I really liked that movie and it actually never bored me, even though I felt it was a thin line. I think Wong Kar Wai really manages to capture a mood in that movie, through the stunning photography, the settings, sparse dialogue and of course, the rain ;) Also I think that recurring musical snippet worked very well together with the shots of her walking slowly through the damp streets in those extremly smart dresses of hers

NADatar said:
The Bicycle Thief

As I watched it, I thought it was no big deal other than the kid who was effin' brilliant. So immediately afterwards I watched the lengthy 4 minute preview, and EVERY scene they showed I thought "ooh I loved that scene... oooh that was an excellent shot... ahhh that was breathtaking...." Powerful stuff, sometimes it just takes a minute or two to sink in. :goggly:

Hm, perhaps I did a mistake then; I started watching that one but only managed an hour or so. I honestly found that precocious child, though a quite talented actor, pretty damn annoying. But I will give it another chance if the oppurtunity presents itself :)
NADatar said:
The Bicycle Thief

As I watched it, I thought it was no big deal other than the kid who was effin' brilliant. So immediately afterwards I watched the lengthy 4 minute preview, and EVERY scene they showed I thought "ooh I loved that scene... oooh that was an excellent shot... ahhh that was breathtaking...." Powerful stuff, sometimes it just takes a minute or two to sink in. :goggly:

This is Ladri di biciclette by Vittorio De Sica, yeah? If so I thought that was very watchable for Italian Noerealism. I find nearly all neorealism slow moving and boring as hell (after all, that was the style, and - to a degree - the intention), but that one actually had enough happening to make it enjoyable.

spaffe said:
I really liked that movie and it actually never bored me, even though I felt it was a thin line. I think Wong Kar Wai really manages to capture a mood in that movie, through the stunning photography, the settings, sparse dialogue and of course, the rain ;) Also I think that recurring musical snippet worked very well together with the shots of her walking slowly through the damp streets in those extremly smart dresses of hers

Undoubtedly Wong Kar Wai is good at catching moods, but even so, there was never enough happening to make it truly absorbing. It was pretty, and I appreciate that, and I can see what he was going for, but I'm just not a fan. Again, his movies are similar to the Italian Neorealism, slow moving as hell, and slow moving is very hard to create in cinema while making an absorbing film.

As for X2/3, Pirates etc., I still watch them. I'm always happy to see some brainless fun, especially while I'm working. Yesterday while at work I watched Over The Hedge again (easy to think while that's on in the background), Scream 3, Evil Dead, and much of Series One of Penn & Teller's Bullshit!
lurch70 said:
yeah, who gives a fuck about them?

Kevin Smith on the radio the other day was ranting about how fluffy and gay the new Superman is ... not punching anything, just flying around and making appearances. :lol:
everything is gay nowadays. It's trendy to be gay. I can't wait till Miami Vice. If there's not tons of bloodshed, I'm done with movies.
Speaking of, Collateral fucking ruled.
last nite

should have been subtitled "Brokeback Reich"
not that any gay stuff actually happened.
the movie poster alone turns me off. Looks like some "It wasn't our fault/we didn't know" sympathyfest. Am I wrong?
no, the dude on the left viewed the prestigious nazi school as a path of advancment plus his dad wanted him to become an apprentice in the plant, so he forged his father's signature and then there was the scene where the barracks had to do squat thrusts until the bedwetter was able to urinate in the courtyard upon his stained mattress, and then there was the guy on the right who was a sensitive writer type who chaffed under his father the gauleiter's tyrannical naziism. and then one guy jumped on a grenade to save his kameraden.
dorian gray said:
everything is gay nowadays. It's trendy to be gay. I can't wait till Miami Vice. If there's not tons of bloodshed, I'm done with movies.
Speaking of, Collateral fucking ruled.

The scene in Collateral where he goes through the dance club causing havoc to the beat of Paul Oakenfold's "Ready, Steady, Go" ... well ... that scene alone is enough to make the movie worthwhile.

Go see THIEF if you have not already done so.
hey, have you guys seen the trailer to Snakes on a Plane yet? I mean, at the threater - not here on the intarweb. i thought it was supposed to be a joke