
Talladega Nights fucking sucks. Anchorman fucking sucks. Old School is decent, mainly because of the Dan Band and Luke Wilson.
Will Ferrell is a one trick pony. He does the same thing in EVERY SINGLE MOVIE. Have you ever seen him on ESPN or some other non-comedy situation? It's the same thing - yelling, wierd faces, and silly phrases like, "by the beard of Zeus!"
Move on folks!
Talladega Nights fucking sucks. Anchorman fucking sucks. Old School is decent, mainly because of the Dan Band and Luke Wilson.
Will Ferrell is a one trick pony. He does the same thing in EVERY SINGLE MOVIE. Have you ever seen him on ESPN or some other non-comedy situation? It's the same thing - yelling, wierd faces, and silly phrases like, "by the beard of Zeus!"
Move on folks!

Yep. Will Ferrell is as overrated as the heel of Achilles.

Back to Spiderman. My main gripe was the choice of casting Topher Grace as Venom. What a little faggot this guy is! Venom is supposed to be a ruthless savage, not some skinny twerp who wears tie dye and fucks hot red heads 10 leagues above his social status. Go to Youtube and type in "Spiderman Venom" to watch the condensed version of their feud from the 1990's animated series. Holy fuck was that cartoon well written.
Have none of you seen Stranger Than Fiction? Will Ferrell is utterly fucking awesome in that movie. But yes, apart from that he generally sucks.
Talladega Nights fucking sucks. Anchorman fucking sucks. Old School is decent, mainly because of the Dan Band and Luke Wilson.
Will Ferrell is a one trick pony. He does the same thing in EVERY SINGLE MOVIE. Have you ever seen him on ESPN or some other non-comedy situation? It's the same thing - yelling, wierd faces, and silly phrases like, "by the beard of Zeus!"
Move on folks!

Im sorry about your tastes :cry:

Of course he's a one trick pony, most comedians are in that respect. He still manages to remain hilarious in basically everything he does.
Ferrell's bit in Wedding Crashers stole the movie ... how can you possibly not love that guy? :lol:

hmm, great premise ... poor execution.
something was missing from this flick ...
so thinking about it some more, it was really a movie about going from point a to point b ... couldn't care less about any of the characters ... if they would have had more story and less gun battles (especially the drawn out out at the end) it might have been better.

3 out of five stars

really was expecting more from Cuaron ... Y Tu Mama Tambien is one of my favorite movies ever
I'm irritated that Cillian Murphy refused to be in the movie because he is a "big star" now, yet Robert Carlyle took the role and he's the much better actor. So, I guess, maybe I'm not so irritated.

Speaking of Robert Carlyle: Ravenous was awesome.