
The Machinist Brilliant. I can see why some people wouldn't even like this movie but I would respectfully disagree. Check it out.
I loved Zodiac. The end was inconclusive because they kept it accurate to the real story as much as possible. I was riveted the entire time. Maybe I just like boring movies :D

the last hour was great ... when brokeback was doing his own little investigation ... but before that ... meh.

i can see why this movie did not make a dime ... about 45 minutes too long

Great looking movie. The battles were great, lots of blood, a little boob. I didn't really like the monsters and freaks. It would have been better had we not had a hunchback, those elephants straight outta LOTR, that huge troll thing, and a fucking triceratops. Why did Xerxes look like a goth metal reject?

Still, it was highly entertaining. THe narrator did get annoying though. Yes, we realize the Spartans kicked ass, power, glory, honor, and that stuff. Shut up.

Me and the wife dug it.
the last hour was great ... when brokeback was doing his own little investigation ... but before that ... meh.

i can see why this movie did not make a dime ... about 45 minutes too long

have not many of Fincher's films been a little slow in this respect?

and on that subject, am I the only one who thought Alien 3 was maybe the best of the series?
have not many of Fincher's films been a little slow in this respect?

possibly so, but they were tight from the start.

Seven and The Game come to mind ...

Zodiac, got me hooked in the first 20 minutes, then bored me for over an hour, then picked up again ... weird
Yeah, I snoozed for a while in the middle, so I don't know what I missed in there.

So I've never seen The Game. Big fan of all his other work.
Do explain...
Yeah, The Game is excellent. His 2nd best behind Fight Club, IMO. Seven being third best, then Zodiac, then Panic Room, then Alien 3. Am I forgetting any? He has a new one coming out, or already limited release, not sure. Supposed to be quite a departure for him, but he still throws in some darkness.

As for Alien 3 being the best of the series, I couldn't disagree more. The original cut was a lot better than the theatrical release, though. I still prefer Aliens to it, and maybe the original, too, because of nostalgia. Alien 4 was a sad, horrible, piece of crap. I can't believe that the guy who did Amelie and City of Lost Children (both excellent) did that one.
on this page ...

I am beginning to finally understand the types of movies the nurse likes :loco:
Yep. Christian Bale and David Fincher can do no wrong (although I HATED Empire of the Sun)