
The Darwin Awards

It had its funny moments. Not bad, but not great. THe Metallica concert part was funny, and the tie-in to Hetfield's pyrotechnics accident was funny. Of course, the wife looked at me like "What's so funny about that?" I had to explain.
The Darwin Awards

It had its funny moments. Not bad, but not great. THe Metallica concert part was funny, and the tie-in to Hetfield's pyrotechnics accident was funny. Of course, the wife looked at me like "What's so funny about that?" I had to explain.

I thought that one was pretty good actually, but then again my expectations were close to bottom since I always rent movies like boat trip or bandidas (I suck at picking movies but my older brother is even worse even though that sounds impossible)
Best line from Return to Oz:


Some mornings I spend repeating that scene over and over, at a decent volume, while showering. The neighbores adore me.
If you guys want to see a terrible/fantastic movie...


many people dont notice that it says "GingerDEAD"
The plot revolves around a serial killer given the death sentence; later having his ashes mixed with dough, emerging from the oven as a murderous gingerbread man in the bakery of the woman who turned him in. The plot culminates with one of the bakery's employees killing and eating the Gingerdead Man, only to be possessed by him, and eventually shot by his friends. Numerous goofs exist in the film such as a finger pulling the trigger of a gun held by the cookie villain, the same scene being in both night and day, and the cameramen are visible in many scenes.
That movie did really suck. But it was filmed in a mall 5 minutes from my house. Some of the outdoor parts are places I used to hang out all the time. It was kind of weird to see.
Why do you guys think Dawn of the Dead sucked? I thought it was great.
Demilich: I knew it was filmed in Toronto but have always wondered if the skyline you see from the mall is truly downtown Toronto. It doesn't look like it but it does seem quite real. Also, didn't that mall get torn down?
It just had no scary atmosphere and everyone was stupid instead of badass and you only got annoyed with people instead of going COME ONE HURRY HURRY OMG ZOMBIES COMING, I haven't seen the original (stupid me, huh) but I'll bet ten bucks it's a million times better
The original Dawn is an actual bad movie. Everything from the acting to the dialogue to the editing is incredibly bad. It has only succeeded and endured because of its inherent campiness and its almost overwhelming nihilism. However, every single movie made in the 70s was nihilistic, so you're better off watching The French Connection or Dog Day Afternoon if you want nihilism.
The original Dawn is worth a viewing though.
Little Children. Absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. There's alot of fucking in this movie, which somewhat aroused me out of my miasma of irritation, but I wanted both main characters to die a firey death.
Jennifer Connolley has never been hotter though (except for the bangs; I hate bangs)
Loved it, i haven't read the book but this whole focus on the scents and all about them was captivating.
Loved that as well, probably that Shyawhatever guy's best film. Seriously.
Great idea, 2 very enjoyable hours until the ending which was so and so but i liked the irony that surrounded that and the book's ending. Ferrel's second best performance after "Melinda and Melinda".
The original Dawn is an actual bad movie. Everything from the acting to the dialogue to the editing is incredibly bad. It has only succeeded and endured because of its inherent campiness and its almost overwhelming nihilism. However, every single movie made in the 70s was nihilistic, so you're better off watching The French Connection or Dog Day Afternoon if you want nihilism.
The original Dawn is worth a viewing though.

You couldn't be any more wrong. Seriously. The original Dawn of the Dead is one of the greatest films ever made and the remake is a total embarrasment by comparison.
Hot Fuzz

Took a while to get going, but ended up being hilarious towards the end. It's from the same dudes behind Shaun of the Dead