Downloading This is England now. It should be good/great.
One of last year's best movies

Downloading This is England now. It should be good/great.
Just finished watching No Country For Old Men. GREAT flick. Javier Bardem was absolutely phenomenal.
12. Those little crab monsters came out of nowhere but it's OK they are not that strong
Thanks for the 411. The movie seemed to be a poor man's Hostel. I figured I'd check out. But given your overall impressions AND THE POOR gorgeous-chick-to-tit-reveal ratio, I think I'll pull it from my NetFlix queue.saw this little indie type of suspense flick, TURISTAS on hbo on demand.
it takes place in Brazil with a bunch of youg US tourists stuck in the Amazon ... for the amount of gorgeous chicks in it, it sure had a low tit reveal ratio.
the movie was meh also, but would have you hooked on a rainy Sunday afternoon.
why are you invisible, Reign in Acai?
-NCFOM 2hrs2min, I'll probably fall asleep half way through, but it should be great up to that point.