
The Orphanage - very well-done horror film, it fulfilled the things i'd heard about it--namely that it hits all the horror cliches so well it reminds you why they became cliches in the first place. it's not gory, or even that disturbing in the end, but it's a solid B+. worth a rent.
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skulls Whatever
Wow. This sucks. You might ask why I went to a movie I knew was going to suck beforehand and my answer would be that the wife had free tickets and she wanted to see it. Otherwise, this one's a stinker....unless maybe you're 11 years old. Or Krigloch.

I just noticed this one. :lol:
Planet Terror fail.

No Cuntry For Old Men hhhmmmm I must've missed something here. Probably the Coen's worst movie, which is to say, better than almost every other movie ever made. I wasn't impressed though. I actually thought about throwing something at the TV when the last frame went black and the credits started to roll. Maybe I'll watch it again to see if I feel differently.
Planet Terror fail.

No Cuntry For Old Men hhhmmmm I must've missed something here. Probably the Coen's worst movie, which is to say, better than almost every other movie ever made. I wasn't impressed though. I actually thought about throwing something at the TV when the last frame went black and the credits started to roll. Maybe I'll watch it again to see if I feel differently.

You didnt like Planet Terror? that movie was awesome...totally sweet b-movie
Planet Terror fail.

No Cuntry For Old Men hhhmmmm I must've missed something here. Probably the Coen's worst movie, which is to say, better than almost every other movie ever made. I wasn't impressed though. I actually thought about throwing something at the TV when the last frame went black and the credits started to roll. Maybe I'll watch it again to see if I feel differently.

you gots to be fokin kidding me.

Dora the Explorer?
John Carpenter owns the Coen Bros

Big Trouble in Little China, The Thing, They Live, Escape From New York

Sorry, but I'm watching EfNY right now. :grin:
2001: A Space Odyssey Finally saw this in it's entirety for the first time recently. This is one grim motherfucking movie. Due to a lack of intelligence on my part, I still have no idea what the movie was about. It's still amazing though - I can't imagine how stunned people must've been in 1968 - a full DECADE before Star Wars came out with it's supposedly "cutting-edge" effects. I think I'll watch this again in the near future.
try the original SOLARIS next and be even in more awe.

2001 as great as it is ... it is an insomniacs cure. it took me at least 7 nights to finish it.
Yes, it's quite boring, and I wanted to throw something at the TV during the "Star Gate" sequence but I was too busy having a seizure :lol:
I saw Solaris remake in the theater and was blown away by it. Grim as fuck. I'll have to rent the original.
RAMBO :kickass: ... but how Sly found more wooden actors to make himself look good is a talent all on its own.
try the original SOLARIS next and be even in more awe.

Hm, I personallly don't find 2001 boring, it's actually one my favorites. But the original Solaris (haven't seen the re-make and don't particularly plan to), now that's a boring movie, and belive me, I have a very high toleration for slow movies. Not to mention that the atmosphere which permeates that movie isn't one I very much enjoy being sucked into and trapped in for over two hours...

I reckon the book (a Stanislaw Lem book I can't recall the name of) is a lot more interesting