
The Strangers - Pure trash. Three fourths of the movie is spent trying to build suspense with door knocks, the clacking of pots and pans, creeks, and other sub-standard board effects. The Strangers eventually get in the house to flaunt their wit.

"Why are you doing this to us?"
"Because you were home"

Apparently this was the sanguineous group's first rendezvous with bloodshed, so expect sequel after sequel until we know every fucking nuance & idiosyncrasy of the three killers personalities. In brief, I'd rather watch SAW. :erk:
you werent 'scared' at all?

Nay. This film is a black eye to cinema.

Currently watching - Don't Mess with Zohan

5 minutes in and I've already laughed more than once. Some beautiful dames littering the landscape of this comedic carnivale. I just seen a girl who bore a splitting image to Shay Laren. Brandon knows who I'm referring to. :hotjump:

Edit - This movie is hysterical!!!! :lol:
It only was damn delicious because Edward Norton was there...
Though... Can't say I appreciate that he took a part in such a cheesy piece of crap.
cheesy piece of crap.

Sounds like a movie I would enjoy. Will probably go to the cinema for that one, new Batman and Hancock. Was thinking about it for the Happening but the trailers here are completely gay so that kinda turned me off towards that.

Lately I've watched:

The Assassination of Jesse James - great movie.
Don't Mess With the Zohan - great movie.
Untraceable - crap movie as predicted, if at least they hadn't told us who the killer was straight out maybe some suspense would have been left..?
Kung Fu Panda - great movie.
Run fat boy, run - decent I suppose, not excellent or great but not bad. I fell asleep though so what would I know.
I want Candy - well.. no comment.
Flood - Me and Johanna both agreed that it was good somewhere in the middle, then we fell asleep. I hope everything turned out well in the end!
The Mist - OK if not for the usual STUPIDITY of everyone. If someone's been cut in half, it's a lot more clever to leave them than to try to save them and get yourself killed in the process. Liked the Jesus-part of it though!
The Happening

I enjoyed it. I know a lot of people hate Shyamalan's work, but overall I enjoy. People really need to quit comparing everything he does to The 6th Sense (his second to worst movie), and also looking for some deep message in his movies. They are entertaining, nothing more. Mark Wahlberg was solid, and it was easily Shyamalan bloodiest movie, with some real gag moments

Golden Compass
I had a blast with this one and can't wait for the sequels.
4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days .... BRU ... TAL!

great Romanian film, I am sure most of you heard about. Won the Grand Prize at Cannes last year, etc ... abortion story.
the grimness of the times in Romania are rendered perfectly and having lived through them were not a welcome sight once again.

all you indie freaks will eat this up ... on the other hand, Dorian and Zod would probably try to deliver an uppercut to the jaw next time they see me.
Finally got around to watching Eastern Promises last night. If I didn't know better I would have sworn Viggo was straight out of the eastern bloc. That man can act.