
ok, the flick was brilliant. i had to do some reading into the meanings of some things, but just wow.

very timely film as well ... run and watch this.
asf is a readable document online. for some reason, swizzlenuts thought it was clever to turn the word "ace" into "asf." yes, it's ghey. apparently, jerry thinks otherwise.

I thought it was popularized somewhere else, brought to the forum by Brandon, and thusly took it upon myself to make it go viral. But now that I know that Brandon is the man responsible, this simply can no longer be!
what the heck is ASF ... all i find is Alabama Shakespeare Festival on google

hahahahahaha holy shit I've actually been to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival...if it's the one in Montgomery you're talking about. haha what are the odds? Man, it's fucking hot down that way.

Anyway, Sherlock Holmes was pretty rocking...except for the kids in front us of texting throughout the entire movie. Fucking teenagers. This was in an "upscale" theater too - shit like that's not supposed to happen. Meh, they left halfway through anyway.

See this movie.
wtf is an "upscale theater"? (on this page lurch asks a lot of questions)

still don't have a solid answer for ASF
I assumed it meant Ace aS Fuck.

I thought it was popularized somewhere else, brought to the forum by Brandon, and thusly took it upon myself to make it go viral. But now that I know that Brandon is the man responsible, this simply can no longer be!

I don't know if I made it up, but one night when slightly drunk I tried to abbreviate ace as fuck and said ASF instead of AAF, so it just kind of stuck.
An "upscale" theater is simply a theater in the rich section of town. It's assumed that wealthy people have manners and that they will avoid such activites as texting during a movie, talking during a movie, and stabbing someone in the liver in the parking lot when the movie is over. It's also presumed that people who do those kinds of things will not bother to drive across town to go to the "upscale" theater and will remain in their part of town. The inverse is true as well.
I laughed my ass off on that one too. I found the movie way overrated though.

yeah, while funny in parts, it was pretty bad and tried too hard.
The baby bits and Tyson were the highlights for me.

and the Chinese guy ... really fucking hate that actor ... they literally have him play the same role in every movie ... the angry Asian guy ...
Role Models, Hangover, The Goods, Knocked Up ... I can go on.
OK, so my father and I went to see Avatar. I wanted SHerlock Holmes, but he wanted Avatar, very surprisingly because he usually dismisses sci-fi other world type stuff.

So after all the hoopla hype best movie ever stuff, let me share with you the TRUTH. And here it is: It is a three hour tree hugger be one with the earth see the world and other people infomercial with primitive tall skinny blue cat people and a plot that you have read in school countless times and seen in other movies even more times. That's it. That being said, it was pretty good, though hardly a classic in any way, shape, or form. the effects and visuals were fantastic. the movie hardly ever slowed down, thankfully. character wise, the lead was decent. the antagonist was a typical jar head moron that shoots first and never asks questions. giovanni rabisi is an annoying twerp, maybe that's the idea. sigourney weaver was the typical save the planet heroine. and yes, i wanna bang the blue cat princess.

and yes, i like the tree hugger be one with the earth stuff.

the previews:

Kick Ass looks hysterical

Robin Hood with Russell Crowe should be cool


there was also one where a fallen angel defends humanity against an army of heavenly hosts that looked awesome!