OK, so my father and I went to see Avatar. I wanted SHerlock Holmes, but he wanted Avatar, very surprisingly because he usually dismisses sci-fi other world type stuff.
So after all the hoopla hype best movie ever stuff, let me share with you the TRUTH. And here it is: It is a three hour tree hugger be one with the earth see the world and other people infomercial with primitive tall skinny blue cat people and a plot that you have read in school countless times and seen in other movies even more times. That's it. That being said, it was pretty good, though hardly a classic in any way, shape, or form. the effects and visuals were fantastic. the movie hardly ever slowed down, thankfully. character wise, the lead was decent. the antagonist was a typical jar head moron that shoots first and never asks questions. giovanni rabisi is an annoying twerp, maybe that's the idea. sigourney weaver was the typical save the planet heroine. and yes, i wanna bang the blue cat princess.
and yes, i like the tree hugger be one with the earth stuff.
the previews:
Kick Ass looks hysterical
Robin Hood with Russell Crowe should be cool
there was also one where a fallen angel defends humanity against an army of heavenly hosts that looked awesome!