
Toy Story 3 - Good, but not great. Word of mouth had me expecting bowel writhing induced laughter and emotive diurnal emissions, what was offered was cutesy quips and Pixar predictability. Still worth watching in theaters. 8.5/10

Youth in Revolt - Michael Cera needs to fall off the face of the earth (right after he partakes in the Arrested Development movie). He stands behind Will Ferrell as the most linear actor today, even K. Reeves has more range. Thankfully, he has no more than 2 years before he succumbs to Elijah Wood syndrome. This movie while still watchable, is for the most part abysmal. Not a laugh to be found, not a connection to be made. The alter ego shtick was cringe inducing. Only saving grace is his high school chum who is a spot on take of JayKeeley circa 1986. 3/10

She's Out of My League - Derivative to the point of originality, a full circle jerk on your popcorn. Like the comedic dud above, it's viewable, but only under duress. These were the only recent comedies I had within downloadable reach since my pc inched closer to the scrap pile. Nothing lovable about these losers, Ken can you repo 2 hours of my life back? 4/10

Movie on Deck - "How to Train Your Dragon"
Was this the film? I remember seeing this trailer in theaters, arghishly bam kow poo abominable! Just because it's based on a comic, doesn't make it condonable.

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Yes, that was it.

Saw Inception last night. The only thing I didn't understand was how and why Leo's ol' lady was in an entirely different building from he when she jumped
This has got to be the most fucked up film I have ever seen, and I'm only 30 minutes in.

Okay, I'm absolutely disturbed now and had to turn the fucker off. How can this shit be made?!???!?? I did not expect it to turn into this. I was hooked right at the beginning from the brilliant writing, wonderful acting, and overall quality......but WTF?!??!
Well shit, since I won't be getting much sleep thanks to the above, I decided to read up on it a bit and heard some comparisons to this film:

The trailer was hysterical so I'll be watching it as well. Hopefully things go better this time and the visions from ASF are washed away.
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will have to check out The Serbian Film ... The Human Centipede is pretty cool, although more a black comedy in some ways.
Jesus, read some bits about A Serbian Film ... even writing it sounds horrible. these flicks are all about mood though. and can turn them from horrific to laughable.
we'll see.
Jesus, read some bits about A Serbian Film ... even writing it sounds horrible. these flicks are all about mood though. and can turn them from horrific to laughable.
we'll see.

There is really only one part that is laughable, the rest is mind-numbingly painful to watch. It's nothing like The Human Centipede now that I've seen it. That was a Disney movie comparably. I'm seriously warning you two (you and Ars) not to watch it since you own children.
well my child owns me, but thanks for the warning. I have a feeling I know what scene you are referring to as i read some spoilers already.
watched the first 50 minutes of A SERBIAN FILM last night and so far its pretty tame. He's already "filming" and there were some weirdo moments but i expect it to pick up in brutality big time.

it's actually a really well made flick so far ...
have you seen martyrs?

Watched that last night. Great stuff. Did you watch the version with the cheesy English overdub? I liked it a lot. Thanks for the reco.

Check out FAR NORTH. A tale of two inuits living in Alaska (or something). Boring as sin until you see the ending sequence that totally turns the movie into a pointless but hilarious watch.