
i just watched Revenge of the Nerds. holy shit, i love that movie. "step aside big momma. i wanna get a look at that muff."
One has to wonder about the vast potential of the off-topic posts in such a thread. It could be epic.
Sadly, the whole situation has been incredibly stressful and I'm still dealing with it....and will be dealing with it for quite awhile.
If I can offer a bit of advice to my fellow dudes: if your marriage sucks, maybe end it PRIOR to falling in love with someone else...because your love for your kids will always trump your love for some other chick. Unless your spouse is a shit mother, she'll have your children most of the time and you'll see them every other weekend or some kind of bullshit. I'd rather kill myself.
Another piece of advice: the grass *is* greener on the other side
i have no idea what that paragraph above means ...

does this mean you have some sort of mistress? 25?
For quite awhile, my marriage has been pretty much roomate-status. I have no idea what happened. We worked on it, too. Counseling. Etc. But nothing changed. I mean, we are awesome friends but there was no chemistry whatsoever. I felt used. I let myself fall for someone else while just going through the motions at home. Finally, I just had had enough and decided it wasn't going to work out between the wife and I. That life is too short. But, it's not that simple. A month later I decided happiness with someone else wasn't worth it to me to be one of those guys who sees his kids on weekends. So, the wife and I basically have to START COMPLETELY OVER. Seriously. And I've lost the most amazing woman I've ever met in the process. Hence my advice. Marriage requires shitloads of work. EVERY SINGLE ONE of my friends has marital problems. And they're not assholes. They are normal people. It's just hard. Children make it much much harder.

27, btw. lol
holy crap confusion fusion. i agree that marriage is hard, i think it's supposed to be just like everything else in life. is anything EASY in life?
maybe for you guys but in mine it's not.
i think the hardest thing about marriage is running EVERYTHING, every move, decision by your partner. Everything you do at work, money, whatever affects your spouse and kids of course.
I used to be pretty independent before and lived alone for like 10 years fucking around, so I didn't have to answer to anyone in a sense. but I also fucked up a lot. my wife has been a blessing of sorts in helping me straighten my shit out. i am still crooked though ;)

i couldn't cheat however; have done that in the past with old girlfriends, and realized that if it comes down that I want to be with someone else, even just to bang ... the main relationship is pretty much over and my head is already adrift.

i didn't watch any movies this week.
my wife has been a blessing of sorts in helping me straighten my shit out.
They are good at that.

i couldn't cheat however....the main relationship is pretty much over and my head is already adrift.

I apparently have some impulse-control issues....I agree with your last statement. This (what I'm doing now) is going to be really really hard.
Are you Hispanic?

:tickled: x a million
My friend is. He actually tried to use the "Mexican stare" as a legitimate excuse when his wife caught him checking out other chicks in her is was some kind of handicap he can't do anything about.
yeah, pretty sure that a large percentage of all my Hispanic friends and clients have some ladies on the side. some have even told me their s/o's "ok'd" them as long they are just that ... ladies on the side.
curious more about what made her so amazing? :loco:
this needs it's own thread at this point.

hahaha well, ya know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that shit, so to answer that would make me look more like a retard than I already do.
What it boiled down to was she happened to embody everything I like in a chick. So, unless she had somehow done research on me and was trying to trick me, she was really and truly the ever-elusive "dream girl". Every dude has one.
yeah, pretty sure that a large percentage of all my Hispanic friends and clients have some ladies on the side. some have even told me their s/o's "ok'd" them as long they are just that ... ladies on the side.

hahahaha GODDAM that's wierd. I wanted the exact opposite. I mean, *anyone* can hook-up. I wanted to know what it felt like to love and be loved again.