

I bought SNL - Best of Will Ferrell on DVD last week and tonight remembered to bring it home from work. Not a movie, but a DVD so good enough for this thread. Plus I mean come on, it's Will Ferrell.
The Aviator

I went into this one not knowing much of anything about Howard Hughes. I went to see it simply because it was what my father wanted to go see. And it was pretty good, tbh. Guess what, Leo Dicaprio can actually act! He gave an Oscar nomination-worthy performance here, even if he always looks like he's 25 years old. The story was really good, about how Hughes kicked ass in both avaition engineering and producing/directing films. Kate Beckinsale was hot in her supporting actress role. Unfortunately, the film is based in the 20's-40's, so no skin was shown by Beckinsale, but she has a beautiful face, even if her forehead is a little too big. The film did drag at parts and got downright annoying a few times, and was about 30 minutes too long (it's a 3-hour movie). Overall, I liked it and would recommend it, though do take into account that I had zero expectations.
Grade - B+
DeCaprio was always a good actor ... see Gilbert Grape or This Boys Life for further proof ... will have to catch The Aviator.

Say ANCHORMAN last night ... fucking hilarious. some cheesy parts here and there but overall a hoot. good supporting characters for Ferell also.
Anchorman is a winnar. I saw Napolean Dynomite the other day.... it goes to prove that you can have a funny movie that is rated PG. However, the humour is an aquired taste, probably something that only teenagers/younger adults can get into.
Just saw the Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. I liked it, especially bill murray, but it isnt as good as earlier Wes Anderson films.
Doomcifer said:
Prolly see Napolean DYnamite tomorrow.
My friends wanted to show me and some other guys a really funny movie they said, and it turned out it was that one. Either my sense of humour has changed during my move up north or theirs have deteriorated in my absense because that movie was not funny; not in any way. Ok, so he's a nerd... ha ha, he has a "funny" nasal voice... yes, ha ha, and he has dorky friends and interests. Crap.

But I saw a really good chinese movie yesterday called "The Road Home" ( A simple movie about a young girl in a small mountain village who falls in love with the newly arrived teacher. I really recomend it to people who enjoy great photo (it's directed by the same guy who did Hero and House of Flying Daggers) and an emotionally moving story.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
I just saw El Topo today. I dont know if anyone is aware of the legacy of this movie, but wow is it ever eclectic.
I havent seen "El Topo" but i LOVE 2 other Jodorovsky films:
"Santa Sangre" and "Holy Mountain", different concept each one, but both with some of the most imaginative sequences i have ever seen. Highly recommended.