
THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE II ... can't believe it was the same director, etc. behind it as the first one.

Man this movie was bad ...
The Mist
...been waiting to see this for years. Didn't know about the ending....figured it would be pretty close to the book. It was not. I died a little inside. I might even have to ease up on the horror after that. It doesn't do much for my mildly depressive state :lol:
I think if you see Suspiria, Inferno or Opera you should know where you stand..those are his horror films but his crime/thrillers(Giallo) are really amazing as well but don't go past Opera as his latest film as those are all crap Tenebre, love the twist and a great film I think. Only film I don't think i've seen yet is Cat o' Nine Tails but I think it's laying around my house somewhere and I can't find it haha

Go past Opera and watch Stendhal Syndrome, which is one of his best movies.
nope, it was in this thread, i was responding to this comment:

you still havent explained yourself mister

I just think that both Mastodon and Argento are winking at their audience and both secretly laughing at them :loco: