
I just Netfucked Intolerable Cruelty. Man, that is one horrible movie....even with a Bruce Campbell cameo

Fucking pervert puppet.

I'm going to chime in on Pacific Rim. A big gundam punching elder gods in the face. That's metal.
Grownups 2- ridiculous, not very funny, but still accomplishes it's role as a popcorn timesink. I want Salma Hayek to sit on my fn face. That bint does not fn age, and only looks better as the calendar gets torn.

The Animal - I watched this a few years back, wasn't paying a whole lot of attention at the time. Ridiculous, along with being funnay. Whatever happened to Rob Schneider?

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles - Most over hyped drivel in the comedy genre. Holy hell was this film stale and flaccid.
I saw this one not too long ago and it was BAD. Terrible movie.
That's what everyone said and could have contributed to me enjoying it, I walked in expecting it to suck pretty hard.

I might have been drinking though. And I think Charlize Theron is hot as fuck as a bitch. So there's that part as well.
Pacific Rim was pretty damn good, perfect pop corn flick. Only draw back was Mako Mori, didn't care for the whole obligatory love story angle Hollywood is insistent in shoveling down our throats. Thanatopsis would have been hard, I not so much.
The lone ranger. Hated the premise/setting whatever you want to call it but the movie itself was enjoyable, with some pretty good moments. Kind of like a watered down Pirates of the Caribbean, but I still found it enjoyable.
Oh fuck part three of the trilogy? I didn't know about that, but now I do, and I'm so god damn going to be there opening weekend* without a doubt.

*the week after
Are you fucking trolling me bro? GTFOoRC

Just kidding, we can't afford to lose any more members. Park kicks ass brug <3.

In other news, going to break my Kurosawa cherry later today and watch Rashomon.