
I'm not even sure I would call it a horror movie too, I don't think it tries to be that crazy. Psychological Adventure Drama maybe? The sister character is really weird I thought too for how smart/planned out she thought she was and then what basically happened in the end.

It's one of my Top 10 favorite movies in the Psychological Adventure Drama category
I thought her illogic was based simply on the fact that she's a woman.

The main question I was asking throughout was WHY???? WHY purchase it again, if it caused that much tragedy in the past? WHY fuck with it again, when you know that it bends reality, thereby making all those precautions (like the phone calls) unreliable? WHY risk going through another ordeal? For "experimental" reasons? To prove to the world that their dad wasn't actually a maniac? WHY WHY WHY WHY????

Still, a fine film.
That motivation drives the entire story though. If you believe that action to be dumb from the get go, then what the heck is point of the story?

Unless you're an art man or a sound man, not too many films are captivating without character development/plot
That motivation drives the entire story though. If you believe that action to be dumb from the get go, then what the heck is point of the story?

Unless you're an art man or a sound man, not too many films are captivating without character development/plot

I see what you're saying. But 1) we're only talking half the movie, 2) the impetus for watching has more to do with understanding the mirror's powers, and whether or not the characters survive and 3) the original motivation is quickly forgotten once the antics begin. It's more of a "Why the hell get into this trouble?" deal.

Side note: why does it seem like every horror movie has a character accidentally falling down?
cause otherwise the slow menacing killer would never catch up to anybody

and horror movies wouldn't exist without insane/inexplicable/poor decisions

I'm still waiting for a film with quadriplegic zombies that consists entirely of people tripping over their own feet and falling to a grisly death.

Also glad to see Oculus getting some of the love it deserves. And yes, getting the damn mirror again was a fucking stupid idea but then again all great stories start with a dumb thought.

Edit: Plot aside, am I the only one who absolutely loved the way they handled/merged the two story lines?
I don't think the two storylines have a point, other than the kid remember what happened however many years ago. The mirror's power was easily established in the present, so not sure what the film aimed to do by going back in time
Most of what I remember about that movie is the absolutely atrocious acting and that the storyline/premise didn't make much sense. The spider scene is definitely pretty cool though and the music was really great as well.
This is a recently released "BM" themed film shot in Iceland, apparently got some good reviews. US version coming out in 2015, Looks rather wank tbh.

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