
Finding Mr. Goodbar

Came across this old 1977 based on a true story flick starring Diane Keaton as the village bicycle. Pretty damn weird if ye didn't know what it was about (tuned in half way through.) Bitch is basically a teacher of deaf kids, and spends her nights fucking bar creeps. Dumb bitch gets what she's asking for towards the end. Several scenes involving cockroaches entering orifices are also alluded to.
Expendables 3
Pretty much shit though it fun seeing those dinosaurs blow shit up. Antonio Banderas stole the show

After the Dark
A teen movie thats not really for teens. In a nut shell, a philosophy class goes through a doomsday scenario picking which 10 of them should be picked to prolong the human race based on certain skills (its all acted out in a bunker instead of just talking in class). It starts out awesomely and by the third act kinda falls apart. I really had fun with it and I was anxious to see how it ended. Kinda makes you think. Yup, I dug it.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes - pretty good. At first I thought wtf but then started to dig it after about 15 minutes.

Still Alice - boring and incredibly depressing
Idiocracy is not a good movie, if you are watching it like a regular movie. It must be watched for the subtle jokes, and if done properly, the brilliance is revealed. Part of me thinks the editing was just bad, but another chunk thinks Mike Judge did that on purpose to prove a point.

As for why it was not marketed: if Americans understood half of what that movie lays forth, most large corporations would go bankrupt within hours because nobody would put up with their huckstering any longer. Maybe I'm giving too much credit to the average dullard, but I do believe that.

Sat through this turd at work. I wouldn't have made it 20 minutes if I weren't being paid a shekel and a half. Felt it to be almost a civic duty to do so, as it's been reco'd to me countless times over the past few years. I smirked 2.5 times, and got a little torqued over Maya Rudolph in a skirt, but the overblown dimwitted jokes were as dull as a the world in which it was set. 3/10 Don't even bother.
Kids are watching some movie called Zoom Academy for Superheroes (with a young and delicious Kate Mara) and Smash Mouth does the soundtrack. :lol: fuckin' Smash Mouth. They even do a horrendously bad cover of "Under Pressure"
Caught Dead Calm earlier today. Twas a great thriller up until the last two minutes, where things take a Hollywood turn. Two points deducted for not having the common sense to know that "less is more."
Classic Horror Movies

Give me some recs on these, fags. I've never been a fan of anything older than say, 1978. But I saw the cover of "Frankenstein's Curse Will Haunt You Forever" and that looks amazing.