
Literally from what Ive heard to appease the lesbos and sjw's.
it's not every movie, is it??
i know Black Widow is happening more to entertain lesbians than straight guys
and i know Black Panther movie (and sequels) existing is to get black people to watch superhero movies
and black dude Sam Wilson putting on the Captain America uniform is to make black people happy

but this kind of crap isn't affecting ALL of the MCU's future movies, is it??
i dont know or care. but i read somewhere that captain marvel had a fling or relationship with another chick.

to be fair, lesbians dont bother me, but the sheer transparent pandering is just so....transparent and i would almost be insulted if i belonged to that group.

it's like that ridiculous scene in Endgame where all the women end up on the battlefield AT THE SAME TIME and whoop that thanos ass. give me a fucking break.
the sheer transparent pandering is just so....transparent .
because i'm bored
examples of transparent pandering in superhero movies

Robert Downy Junior casted as Ironman
done to get Rob's pre-existing fans to watch a movie based on a character that they'd never heard of

Nick Cage casted as Ghost Rider/Ryan Reynolds casted as Hal Jordan/Blake lively casted as Carrol Ferris
same as number 1

Black panther apearing in MCU's Civil War movie done to get Black people to watch a movie that would otherwise have gotten SJWs pissed off about the title being "civil war"

black panther being weirdly the main freaking character in the Civil War movie before the release of the solo black panther movie
got both movies a way-the-fuck-larger opening weekend box office than either movie would have made if the solo black panther movie had premiered before civil war (studio choosing profit over stories that make sense)

Ironman 2 made its money back and a profit from just china before anyone outside of china got to see the movie
instead of risking the chance of pissing off people that watch movies in the theaters in china
(entertaining the movie goers in china while not giving a shit that they were pissing off the movie goers in america)
Johnny Storm being played by Michael B Jordan was done because of SJW pressure to have the Fox movie studio make a superhero movie with one of the heros being played by a black actor, but they casted the director's black friend as Johnny instead of thinking things through and realizing that if you're gonna make one of the fantastic 4 be a black actor, sue or reed would have worked a billion times better

the character black panther being the black actor in the MCU civil war movie was a rushed decision
if the civil war movie absolutely needed a black character taking up a shit-ton of screentime, Luke Cage would have worked a million times better
why exactly does this king of another country give a shit about what's going on in america??

the suposedly "sexist" producers of the MCU didn't want to do a "black widow movie"
so instead of that happening, we got Black Widow as the character getting the most screen time in "captain america the winter soldier"
Black widow was only in that movie at all to begin with because of SJWs bitching about Black Widow not getting her own movie

After Black Widow kinda being the main fucking character in Captain America the winter soldier, SJWs STILL kept bitching about Black Widow not having her own movie which resulted in a Carol Danvers movie happening (despite not being able to have Carol Danvers fight in any of the Infinity War's battle scenes)

even after we get a Carol Danvers movie, the SJWs still want a Black Widow movie, so now it's finnally happening
jaimie foxx getting casted as electro, bad enough they have to get a black actor to play the specific villian character that should definately be played by a white actor, jaimie does it badly, (will smith, denzel, cris rock or even cris tucker could have been better at being a black actor playing this specific character) one of the scenes with jaimie fox in it was a scene that the movie critics hated do much that they actually removed this scene from what the regular movie audience saw

The MCU movie scripts are so interconnected that you can tell that Carol Danvers getting a movie was the result of SJWs bitching at the studio (this is why we don't see any scenes of carol danvers fighting in any of the fight scenes in Infinity war) you can tell Carol Danvers even being part of the MCU is the result of SJWs by the fact that her short cameo in infinity war was just an infodump explaining why she wasn't going to be in any other scenes of the movie

AntMan and the Wasp
Hope getting the Wasp Suit
Hope's mom getting so much screen time
the villian character with the most screentime being a female
but then the female villian gets a sad-back-story instead of just being a bad-ass
total SJW pandering

in the Green Lantern movie
Hal's best friend apears to be middle-eastern instead of chinese
and Amanda freaking Waller even being in the freaking movie
are clearly the movie's producers trying to apease people that are not white

Amanda waller in the comics is a chunky baseline human black woman who spends all day bitching to or bitching about superpowered white guys with chiseled abs, in the movie, Amanda Waller is played by Angela Bassett, see number 1 and number 2
i'm still going to watch the MCUs phase 4 movies
even if i just end up re-writing them in my head as i'm watching them
I watch most Marvel and some DC movies and have yet to process a single thought about any of them. I just turn off my brain, crack open a beer, and enjoy the ride.

Xploding Xpandex Xinema = When Buildings Collapse

MVC prays upon an infantile mindset. Nothing wrong if your pop corn flicking em', whatever. But i'll be damned if it doesnt keep men prone to staying children in an infantile state. I say this as someone who knows multiple unwed 50 somethings (co-workers) and 30 somethings (former associates) clinging to everyone minute of mindless babycinema churned out by these death dealers. Sorry, no man should be collecting action figures post puberty. No man should be texting another man at 4am in orgasmic like elation, "its finally here, the Snyder cut is finally here."

Grow the fuck up or DIE.
Ha! Im "friends" with a dude on FB that collects that shit and brags about it. He always posts about comic books and anime. He is married , but no kids. Probably because he is one.

Now where are my Bal Sagoth cds? To Ultima Thule!
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I dont wish to come off holier than thou either. Just pointing out that these shitbags are doing a disservice to their own selves. If one becomes extremely unrelatable outside of their infantile no longer niche hobbies, theyre going to meet an unfulfilling end.

I sat next to my one man babby colleague last week, fuck didnt say a peep on a personal level until the 7th hour. At which time he uttered, "2 more days!"

Curiously I took the bait, "for what?"

"Disneyland opens up."

No this man does not have young children, no this "man" isnt in a relationship. He literally at the age of 50 wants to RIde THE FUCKING TEA CUPS!
The re-done Justice League was actually pretty good. A helluva lot better than the trash that was in theaters years ago. Happy I watched it on bootleg tv, because I wasnt gonna pay for it. Nor did I care about the snyderverse. Pimply faced virgins with too much time and lotion on their hands complaining on the webs won that one, I guess

Im caught up in the MCU (except for the Disney+ shows), and I really couldn't care less to go any further. No idea who Chang Shi is or whatever, and brining in all the Ms Marvel/Captain Marvels is dumb.

However, I am intrigued about this spider verse thing with bringing back the other spiderman actors. At least its original.

I think DC is doing the same thing with Batman
I think DC is doing the same thing with Batman

I'm not super up on the comic book movies but Michael Keaton is supposed to be playing Batman in the upcoming Flash movie. Some kinda multiverse thing, fuck knows.

I typically enjoy the more "down to earth" characters or the overlooked ones, because it usually means some unorthodox director will be allowed to try their hand at the story, which is why I've always been waiting for the Black Widow movie, because a story about a mortal assassin just straight up killing people is cool to me. Shit like Logan is what I'm interested in.