
Logan was the bombdiggity.

I really enjoyed the Netflix series' Daredevil and The Punisher. Jessica Jones season 1 was kickass too, mainly because of the villian. They weren't afraid to push the violence unlike the movies

Luke Cage and Iron Fist sucked a fatty
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Logan was the bombdiggity.

I really enjoyed the Netflix series' Daredevil and The Punisher. Jessica Jones season 1 was kickass too, mainly because of the villian. They weren't afraid to push the violence unlike the movies

100% on all this. Good shit.

Luke Cage and Iron Fist sucked a fatty

I still haven't watched these because they didn't look so good/interesting. Have you watched Defenders? That series that features them all together? I haven't, wondering if it also blows chunks.
It sucks. Dont bother. The ones I listed above are all you need.

However, it does lead into Daredevil season 2, if you care. But I didnt think it was necessary
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Best comic related endeavor ive partaken in fairly recently is HBO's SPAWN. Shit fucking slayed. Such a pity it ends in a cliffhanger never to be touched upon again. Rumor has it MacFarlane may be going for a reboot or a continuation of where it left off.

We'll see...
I watch most Marvel and some DC movies and have yet to process a single thought about any of them. I just turn off my brain, crack open a beer, and enjoy the ride.

Xploding Xpandex Xinema = When Buildings Collapse

this post made me think of the my friend who watches the transformers movies, on his laptop, the sound of the movie muted, while Motley Crue is blaring
he straight-up says that, for the transformers movies, "the audio gets in the way of being able to just enjoy the visuals of 50-foot-tall shiny-metal CGI robots destroying Chicago"
so apparently "original screenplay" is something that's dying

am i the only one happy about it??
am i the only one who is exited about the day when every hollywood studio will be competing for the movie rights for every single fiction novel on the New York Times Bestseller's list and it will be totally impossible to get an original screenplay into american theaters??

am i the only one waiting to see Drizzt Do'Urden, Lincoln Ryme, Anita Blake, Rachel Morgan, Harry Bosh, Harry Dresden and Richard Rahl on the big screen??

am i the only person waiting for the horrible Spawn movie and the horrible green lantern movie to get well-done re-makes??
Sorry, no man should be collecting action figures post puberty.
IDK about the DC comics characters
but i know that for the Marvel Comics characters, there are guys who don't even start collecting the action figures/"statuettes" untill after they are already adults

and then because of "adult superhero comics" like The Watchmen or shit staring The Punisher or stuff written by Frank Miller,
you've had, for a while, people that didn't even ever pick up a superhero comic untill after they already became adults

superhero movies in general (and the MCU in specific) has done the same thing
you've got previously "normal" people who get into the superhero thing because they've got a friend that's a "superhero dork"
they get talked into going to a bunch of superhero movies, then see some they like enough, that they then, as a 30-something
pick up a superhero comic for the first time ever in their lives, and some of these guys (and girls now) become (as a 30-something) suddenly addicted to what's going on in the superhero comics
Theyre being conditioned to like this tripe. The average person doesnt know what theyre into, nor do they have the will to explore beyond a cursory sense to find things that may be of interest to them. They wade in their comfort zone from adolescence to senescence. This inevitably culminates in either longing for more time to meander as the breathe grows faint, or gasp in a panic at the realization of all that they squandered. Fuck em', continue wilting at the alter of your Hollywood/Big Tech Overlords.
Theyre being conditioned to like this tripe. The average person doesnt know what theyre into, nor do they have the will to explore beyond a cursory sense to find things that may be of interest to them. They wade in their comfort zone from adolescence to senescence. This inevitably culminates in either longing for more time to meander as the breathe grows faint, or gasp in a panic at the realization of all that they squandered. Fuck em', continue wilting at the alter of your Hollywood/Big Tech Overlords.
now you got movies like Unbreakable and Glass that are clearly superhero movies even though they're not based on any kind of comic-book

i'm expecting to eventually see a huge wave of these original-screenplay movies that are clearly superhero movies
before Glass was made i was making posts about how Unbreakable was the best Superhero movie
and i saw Glass when it was a brand-new movie
and i made posts bitching about how fucked-up Glass was, all the way back when it was a brand-new movie

i think i said it before, and i'm gonna say it again now
Unbreakable was better than Glass
Glass had solid moments, but was a major letdown. Such an opportunity to create something special.

Unbreakable is unforgettable.

Hell, even Split was cool.
Split was cool
but it felt like it took place in a whole different universe than Unbrakable
until the last second where it's like
oh, btw, this movie somehow really does take place in the same universe even though it kinda feels like it shouldn't

the David Dunn cameo at the end of Split could have turned into David Dunn interacting with Kevin Crumb in a well-done good-vs-evil superhero movie
Glass just wasn't that movie
the problem i have with Glass is that there wasnt anything at stake. dunn was fighting to stop the horde, but there was never any tension. i think more interaction between dunn and the female personality would have set it up better. instead we get...dunn wants to stop bad horde because of reasons

and then come to find out some clandestine organization is literally watching them the whole time and working behind the scenes. that group just seemed too deus ex machina for my taste.

EDIT: and the way Dunn was dispatched just pissed me off.