
the problem i have with Glass is that there wasnt anything at stake. dunn was fighting to stop the horde, but there was never any tension. i think more interaction between dunn and the female personality would have set it up better. instead we get...dunn wants to stop bad horde because of reasons

and then come to find out some clandestine organization is literally watching them the whole time and working behind the scenes. that group just seemed too deus ex machina for my taste.

EDIT: and the way Dunn was dispatched just pissed me off.
if you were doing a movie where Dunn is trying to stop the horde, that movie should have just started with Elijah Price dying as the first fucking scene

the whole clandestine organization even existing in this movie universe was just a what the fuck moment
noticing a crap movie is crap makes me dense??

at least I'm not jumping-on-the-bandwagon of saying a horrible movie is awesome just because everyone else likes it

The Dark Knight with Heath Ledger's Joker sucked
Huh? Glass tanked mate "everyone" does not like it, this is what I mean by you being a fucking idiot.

I'm saying you're dense because your criticisms of Glass are evidence that the entire concept of the film went over your ball-shaped head. Having a clandestine organization pulling the strings in Glass is literally just a satire of the typical comic book trope of shadowy organizations lmfao.

How is someone who only watches shitty comic book movies this fucking oblivious to what Glass was doing with genre tropes?

The Dark Knight with Heath Ledger's Joker sucked

Just because Heath Ledger died between filming and release of his last movie doesn't make his last performance his best one
(some would have said not-even-close)
and it's not even the best version of Joker
(again, some would say not-even-close)
the begining of the movie was okay, but there was definately a "weapon-eleven-moment"
the weapon-eleven-moment for this movie is when Harvey Dent's chair falls over
after that, you should have done,
Joker thinks that Harvey Dent is dead
the mobsters think that harvey dent is dead
Joker ends up in Arkham, the mobsters end up in jail
and Harvey Dent waking up from the coma is the last second of the movie
with Two-Face being the villian in the next movie
even Joker's "agent of chaos speech" could and should have still have been in there
but you really should have had the person listening to the speach be Batman or Gordon
having Joker even talking to Harvey Dent at all whatsoever was a WTF?? moment for me
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Huh? Glass tanked mate "everyone" does not like it, this is what I mean by you being a fucking idiot.

I'm saying you're dense because your criticisms of Glass are evidence that the entire concept of the film went over your ball-shaped head. Having a clandestine organization pulling the strings in Glass is literally just a satire of the typical comic book trope of shadowy organizations lmfao.

How is someone who only watches shitty comic book movies this fucking oblivious to what Glass was doing with genre tropes?

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my "jumping on the bandwagon" comment about "everyone else liking" a movie was just specifically referencing The Dark Knight with Heath Ledger's Joker

Glass tanked and i pointed out why
the entire concept of the film was bad
you could have made a movie that made way-the-fuck-more at the box office if you'd had "Elijah Price is dead" as the first scene
yeah, i get it that the clandestine orginazation was making fun of S.H.E.I.L.D. or whatever but it was just badly done
Glass didn't need to do anything with Genre Tropes
Shyamalan could have just directed a good movie and didn't
Theyre being conditioned to like this tripe. They wade in their comfort zone from adolescence to senescence. This inevitably culminates in either longing for more time to meander as the breathe grows faint, continue wilting at the alter of your Hollywood/Big Tech Overlords.
you now have people that go see every single superhero movie that hits theaters just because each of these movies have a superhero in it
and then they argue with each other over how to rank the superhero movies from best to worst
the problem i have with Glass is that there wasnt anything at stake. dunn was fighting to stop the horde, but there was never any tension. i think more interaction between dunn and the female personality would have set it up better. instead we get...dunn wants to stop bad horde because of reasons

and then come to find out some clandestine organization is literally watching them the whole time and working behind the scenes. that group just seemed too deus ex machina for my taste.

EDIT: and the way Dunn was dispatched just pissed me off.

in order to make "more at stake" and "more tension" you really would have needed Elijah Price having less screentime

and the whole clandestine organization thing was completely weird-as-fuck
even if some studio-exec demanded a clandestine organization in the movie
it could have been scripted better
and having David Dunn drown was just fucking horrible
and why the Fuck is it that only 1 of Kevin Crumb's personalities has the superpowers but not any of the others??
if all the personalities had the superpowers, then everything would have made more sense
and there would have been more tension
and the killing of Crumb would have had to have been done in a better way than the wierd-ass way it was actually done
the Dennis personality having the superpowers could have been scary-as-shit
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at least when i said Green Lantern sucked everyone agreed with me instead of someone trying to say it was a good movie
i really loved the Watchmen movie
what i loved so much was the parts that were different than the comic

everyone bitched that the movie didn't match the comic
(so much so that Alan Moore didn't want his name attached to the movie)

but when i saw the parts that didn't match the comic
what i saw was
Alan Moore had made mistakes and Zak Snyder fixed them

Manhattan's dialogue throughout
in the scene with the shotgun Adrian Veidt is more clearly more unmistakably moving faster than the speed of a shooting bullet
the doomsday thing being an actual bomb instead of that crazy psionic-squid thing
Rorschach retrieving his mask instead of having a "spare face" makes Rorschach scari-er than in the comic
and i loved Night-Owl actually watching Rorschach die and his reaction to it
instead of the weirdness of the comic where it looks like Drieberg has his dick inside Laurie at the moment Rorschach dies
and Drieberg being the one to warn Viedt about Roschach's mask-killer-theory instead of Rorschach himself was awesome
because it turns Drieberg into "an everyman" where Drieberg becomes "the single sane person in a world full of crazy people"
Drieberg almost becomes part of the audience, right there with you, dazzled and baffled by the crazy people doing crazy shit
and this scene of drieberg and Veidt talking shows Drieberg as trying to be Adrian's friend in a way that's a perfect set-up for Drieberg's reaction to Rorschach's death

in the comic, it totally looks like Drieberg has his dick inside Laurie at the instant Dr Manhattan kills Rorschach
and to me, this already looked as-weird-as-hell all the way back before anyone ever said anything about a "watchmen movie"

Drieberg actually looking at Rorschach die works a million times better
like i said
Alan More made mistakes and Zak Snyder fixed them
when pre-existing-source-material gets turned into a movie
i'm not gonna be the douche-nozzle that whines-and-bitches about how "the movie didn't match the book"

the origin-story part of the script of Ghost Rider was done way-the-fuck better than the crazyness of what happens with the demons and ghost riders in the comic

everyone always totally loves Heath Ledger's Joker doing that whole "agent of Chaos speech" while talking to Dent in the hospital even though the comics show Joker doing the speech while talking to Batman and the Batman comic had only just a short-time prior done a scene where Joker is scared-to-death of Two-Face

the Gaurdians of the Galaxy movies were way-the-fuck better than anything the comics had ever done with those characters

looking back at how much better Blade is than anything coming out today is hilarious

the Blade movie @rms mentioned is way-the-fuck-better than anything the comic did with that character

even The Wizard of OZ and the old-school animated Alice in Wonderland have both been refered to as better-than-the-source-material
i just can't believe the Alan Moore dick-riders that keep bitching about the movie The Watchmen

Rorschach retrieving his "face" from the psychiatrist was done way-the-fuck better than the whole going back to his apt to retrieve his "spare face" with him confronting his landlord and then just not killing her because her fucking kid was there
removing his landlord and her kids completely from the script helped with the flow of the movie and Rorschach looked more scary and bad-ass when he gets his "face" back from the Psychiatrist

and the movie removing the whole thing with the black couple looking like the Huxtables and being scared of other black people was kinda neccassary for A) the flow of the movie and B) making everything make sense for someone who's never read the Watchmen comic
remember the Watchmen movie came out in 2009, at that point in time, a huge-ass amount of the people going into the theater to watch Superhero movies were people who had never read any superhero comic ever
all the differences between the watchmen comic and the watchmen movie were the result of Zack Snyder being aware of the fact that a huge percentage of the people who were going to see the watchmen in theaters were going to be people who had never read the comic

to follow the comic exactly would have been unwatchable for those specific people who have never read any kind of superhero comic at all in their entire lives
the begining of the movie was okay, but there was definately a "weapon-eleven-moment"
the weapon-eleven-moment for this movie is when Harvey Dent's chair falls over
after that, you should have done,
Joker thinks that Harvey Dent is dead
the mobsters think that harvey dent is dead
Joker ends up in Arkham, the mobsters end up in jail
and Harvey Dent waking up from the coma is the last second of the movie
with Two-Face being the villian in the next movie
even Joker's "agent of chaos speech" could and should have still have been in there
but you really should have had the person listening to the speach be Batman or Gordon
having Joker even talking to Harvey Dent at all whatsoever was a WTF?? moment for me
it's really just as bad as the weapon-eleven-moment in the movie Contact