
Hmmm I see someone has seen fit to try and reboot Wrong Turn. I don’t know what’s more depressing: that I saw the original in theater in 2003 or that it’s come around again.
Theyre being conditioned to like this tripe. The average person doesnt know what theyre into, nor do they have the will to explore beyond a cursory sense to find things that may be of interest to them. They wade in their comfort zone from adolescence to senescence. This inevitably culminates in either longing for more time to meander as the breathe grows faint, or gasp in a panic at the realization of all that they squandered. Fuck em', continue wilting at the alter of your Hollywood/Big Tech Overlords.
if you're only looking at united-states-made movies released in the year 2012
9 of the 10 highest-box-office movies were based on pre-existing-source-material
this was totally inevitable
(the 10th movie was Ted BTW)

if you're only looking at American-made movies that came out after 2012,
most of the highest-box-office movies were superhero movies
this however, was not-at-all inevitable

what happened was the first Blade movie (1998) the first X-Men movie (2000) the first Spider-Man movie (2002)
all did way-better-than-the-studio-expected
and then all of a sudden, the all the studios wanted to cash-in on superheros as a movie-idea

if those 3 movies hadn't happened
we would be right now in 2021 be looking at most of Hollywood's movies being based on pre-existing-source-material
but it wouldn't be superhero shit

we'd be looking at Anita Blake and Harry Bosh and Drizzt Do'urden becoming endlessly re-curing movie-principal-protagonists like James Bond
we'd have seen The Vampire Diaries, Game Of Thrones, and Dexter Morgan become theatrically released movies instead of TV-shows

and we'd be seeing way more re-makes of movies based on "classic books" like Sherlock Holmes and Jane Austin

and Fuck you Emily Bronte
without the existence of the book Wurthering Heights, there'd be no such thing as soap-operas
I've never seen a Kurosawa film that didn't blow my fragile little mind. The final battle in Seven Samurai is unreal.

Also, if you watch it twice, it becomes the Seven Hour Samurai.
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maybe @TageRyche will take the time to read it

I read the post but I'm unclear as to why you tagged me to read it. You make good points. The funny thing is that I've grown bored with the superhero stuff on TV. I loved this first decade of Marvel movies. The DC movies only had a couple good films. I'm less enthused about the plans for the next decade of Marvel movies based on what titles they are planning on doing.

As for why the movies are mostly based on pre-existing material, it's what's sells. I saw an actress complain that a TV network only has crime and guns types of shows on their schedule after cancelling her show. My thought was, they gave your show two seasons to find an audience and it didn't. So they stick with what brings in the money.
I read the post but I'm unclear as to why you tagged me to read it. You make good points. The funny thing is that I've grown bored with the superhero stuff on TV. I loved this first decade of Marvel movies. The DC movies only had a couple good films. I'm less enthused about the plans for the next decade of Marvel movies based on what titles they are planning on doing.

As for why the movies are mostly based on pre-existing material, it's what's sells. I saw an actress complain that a TV network only has crime and guns types of shows on their schedule after cancelling her show. My thought was, they gave your show two seasons to find an audience and it didn't. So they stick with what brings in the money.
my point was that the Hollywood movie studios "will stick with what brings in the money"
and "what brings in the money" is right now movies that are "based on pre-existing-source-material", which would have happened eventually no matter what the most commonly-mined source-material turned out to be
my whole freaking point was that the movies made in the last 10 or so years would have still ended up being based on pre-existing-source-material even if Blade (1998) and X_men (2000) and Spider-Man (2002) hadn't made the studios choose superheros as the source-material that they wanted to use
my point was that the Hollywood movie studios "will stick with what brings in the money"
and "what brings in the money" is right now movies that are "based on pre-existing-source-material", which would have happened eventually no matter what the most commonly-mined source-material turned out to be
my whole freaking point was that the movies made in the last 10 or so years would have still ended up being based on pre-existing-source-material even if Blade (1998) and X_men (2000) and Spider-Man (2002) hadn't made the studios choose superheros as the source-material that they wanted to use

Okay, now that I have the context I see what made you tag me in the first place. Between pre-existing source material and sequels in franchises, it makes up most of the box office stuff over the last decade or so.