Music (or other things) made specifically for people on drugs?


Super Normie
Aug 22, 2007
Hey guys... anyone know of some stuff that was made specifically for people who are on drugs?

There's a lot of stuff out there like Pink Floyd which everybody thinks is made for drug use, and MAYBE it is but those guys weren't very deep into drugs (post-Syd) so that seems very unlikely to me. What's some stuff where the artists were actually making it for high & tripping people?

Lately I've been into some things where I'm positive that a lot of the artistic choices they make are directed specifically at high or tripping people. Because there's a lot of things that high people will get into and freak out on and it's stuff that's just going to seem like nothing to most sober people. There's a lot of ways they have to play with these kinds of triggers. Prime examples would be Stonedhenge by Ten Years After and 12 Oz Mouse. It doesn't mean that these things aren't still amazing when not on drugs, I just think the highest purpose (no pun intended) was to be truly, truly amazing on drugs.

I know there's also Cheech & Chong, The Grateful Dead, and I guess stuff like Harold & Kumar. I sometimes suspect The Colbert Report of being for people on drugs. But I'd like to hear about a lot of music, it's easy to make comedy for drug users. I think it's a fairly safe bet that The Doors debut was made for drug users. I also think Metalocalypse and Family Guy have little segments that I do that are made specifically to freak out high people.

thanks & peace
I dont know, I've always enjoyed my music a bit better with a little reefer on the side...... lol Bridge of Sighs is great with a few tokes, and some black lights. I was never into the hard stuff but needless to say Hendrix was #1 not that I liked his psychodelic stuff much, it was probably great for trippin I just wasnt into it. EXP probably blew plenty of minds in its day. I know Floyd & Doors was big for the real druggies, just different generation. Theres just a ton of stuff out there that could be considered "head" music especially from late 60's thru mid 70's.

My drummer has said many times for all the damage drugs have done to rock artists it also made them. That their best music was written under the influence of ___ whatever.
I totally agree that the influence of the drugs is quite important. I saw this Facebook group called something like "I Don't Support Heroin, But it Hasn't Hurt my Record Collection." I also think virtually any piece of music is going to be a lot better with reefer. It's almost like all music is made for it, ha...

But I'd love to hear about some stuff that was made by the artist with druggies in mind, not just stuff that's trippy and gets used by druggies like Floyd. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, for me the best tripping stuff wasn't necessarily made with drugs in mind, but I'm just fascinated by the idea of music that is literally meant from birth to be experienced in a non-sober state.
In fact is could be observed that the mood of popular rock or pop music nearly correlated with the popular drug of choice for the times. 60's early 70's, laid back, heady... weed, LSD, Mushrooms. 80's hyper, upbeat, dressed to kill.... cocaine. 90's - 00's braindead jiberish... crack

not carved in stone but def some correlation
I'm pretty sure some light, fast and relaxing synth music would give you strange experiences when using hallucinogens, there are some that create temporary synesthesia. And maybe, just a theory, but possibly sounds that are not found in nature (like some of the sounds that are in some TMV songs) could create strange colors and shapes that aren't found in nature if sound and sight do get mixed up.
well all your progressive/fusion/jazz music is written to take you on a trip regardless whether your straight or not. All the psychodelic stuff was. With out interviewing the artist, who would know, and who would know what they would admit too ? Not uncommon for humble users to be aware of the damages and hardships and are unwilling to promote useage as well as carry some shame.

Never having done or desired to try heroin its been a prevalent problem in the industry, so I have no idea exactly what kind of music that brings out. Tommy Bolin was a herion addict and he co wrote a variety of music, but much had a desperate sadness to it. Lane Staley as well, same deal.........
well all your progressive/fusion/jazz music is written to take you on a trip regardless whether your straight or not. All the psychodelic stuff was. With out interviewing the artist, who would know, and who would know what they would admit too ? Not uncommon for humble users to be aware of the damages and hardships and are unwilling to promote useage as well as carry some shame.

Yeah, it's hard to know who's involved and who isn't. That's why I'm asking. I'm looking for artists who are a part of the drug culture. Bands can make that known through actions (like the Dead giving out LSD) and names & lyrics (like Stonedhenge). I was hoping there were more artists visibly involved in the culture, maybe not though, other than your requisite weed smoking rappers. :Smokin:

More heroin rockers: Kurt Cobain, Lou Reed, Jimmy Page.
Lou Reed - Rock n Roll Animal great live album, the intro to Sweet Jane still stirs me... but that was a hired guitar team/drummer/bass player, very Almond Brother/Derek & Dominos ish. Didnt seem to like much of his studio stuff, not much of a vocalist really

I had heard that about Page, what a shame, that stuff doesnt take long to get ahold of ya and seems typically to kill people. Zeps or Pages music wasnt depressive though
If you are looking for trippy stuff...

Acid Mother's Temple
Lighting Bolt
Dan Deacon
Animal Collective
Panda Bear
The Elevators
I'm not looking for trippy stuff. I'm looking for artists who are visibly a part of the drug culture, and/or artists who make music that is designed specifically for drug use. A lot of trippy stuff isn't specifically made for drug use, it's just one of the things people use it for.
I dont know man, whos to know, I'd say figureing as its prevalence in rock music in general pop in your favorite disc, sit back and enjoy the ride. If it speaks to you, figure the musicians wrote it specially for you.
Ozric Tentacles spring to mind. Their psychedelic rock was made purely to be played to hippies & trippers at open air parties in England.

Then there's stuff like psychedelic trance, which has a global cult following, and is made to be listened to on hallucinogenics and played at outdoor parties. I could list a bunch of artists if you like.

I can also pretty safely say that Mr Bungle made music specifically to be listened to whilst in an altered state. Disco Volante on acid goes down as the most intense musical experience I've ever had.
Excellent, thanks! If you wanna name me some of those psychadelic trance bands that would be fantastic.

I actually have Mr. Bungle's 3 albums but don't listen to them much. I'll have to try tripping on Disco Volante... I might even do it tonight, actually!
Porcupine Tree without a doubt is the best band to listen to while high.
Try: The Sky Moves Sideways
Voyage 34 (which was specifically written about LSD and the music is supposed to go along with your trip). I gave up acid years ago but I'm sure it would be great to listen to while on it.

^About 1:30 in it gets REALLY good. Seriously the trippiest thing i've ever heard. Incredible song.

And heres a vid of some cool parts from the song "Voyage 34".
The weird part is that Steven Wilson claims to have never taken acid. I find that hard to believe because their early material is acid drenched.
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Excellent, thanks! If you wanna name me some of those psychadelic trance bands that would be fantastic.

The stuff I get into is more dark heavy stuff like Pondscum, Entropy, Claw/Paranoize, Hefty Output, Kin Dza Dza, Parasense, Digital Talk, Ocelot, PPS Project.

But there's also more melodic stuff like Hallucinogen, Infected Mushroom, GMS, Astral Projection, Tristan, Astrix, Alien Project, S.U.N. Project, Wizzy Noise which you may like.

Also check out Shpongle if you haven't. It's a project consisting of Simon Posford of Hallucinogen and a guy called Raja Ram. Less trance but extremely musical and very psychedelic.

I actually have Mr. Bungle's 3 albums but don't listen to them much. I'll have to try tripping on Disco Volante... I might even do it tonight, actually!

Hah, let me know how that goes.
Peter Gabriel's first solo record, called either "1" or sometimes "Car." The whole thing is trippy as fuck, but the opening song is some freaky ass shit (it's called Moribund the Burgermeister). Anyway, I'd recommend that album.

I'd also recommend that everyone watch 2001: A Space Odyssey at least once while high. Definitely watch it sober as well, because it's a great film. But the imagery, combined with the soundtrack, fucking apes dancing and fighting, and that final light show at the end... it all makes for an awesome stoned experience (if you can keep from freaking out :cool:).