Musical activities

Oct 13, 2001
Espoo, Finland
When discussing music with various people it often comes to my attention that many of those who like metal music are musically talented as well - at least in some way, yet most usually they do play an instrument, and possibly in a band. This certainly may be a trend not usual everywhere, but where I live - that being Finland - there is a huge percentage of musically active persons within the subculture that is metal. Therefore it just crossed my mind to ask whether there are many musicians on this board - for considering that Opeth is both metal AND extremely inspiring, the odds for many musically active persons being on this board seem, at least to my logic, rather big.
(I am personally in a musical group called THUS PERISH, and needless to say, Opeth have had a hand in the formation of our own style.)
Have any music we can check out??? BTW, I am a musician as well....check the sig...

It does seem like many Opeth fans are indeed musicians, I tend to stereotype almost every opeth fan as one!
I play bass, guitar, and drums. Of those, I play bass and guitar most actively. I have kind of a band with a friend, but we don't really practice regularly, and when we do we mostly play covers. So really I'm not the uber-musician some of you probably are; Music is just another hobby among many others.

And by the way, hi! This being my first post (hopefully of many to come) and all. :)
well.... i consider all those countries in europe ALOT higher then the USA musically.... becase of course european bands are amazing and US bands arent as amazing musically..... so anyway.... these are my friends that are metal and their instruments and skill level

me/ guitar/good
pete/guitar/semi good
tom/bass/semi good
nick/drunks/pretty good

so.... 6 out of 10 are at least decent
i dont think its any different then other people that dont listen to metal.....
I sang in a band in high school, but it just kind of faded after that. I still really wanna do something musically, but nobody shares the same interest, passion, or the same taste in music as I do where I live. I won't count it out yet, but I just don't think it's gonna happen very soon.
played classical piano for 14 years. i was definitely attracted to opeth in particular from a music theory point of view. three chords just don't satisfy me.
I play guitar, and I´m a in a band, I´ve played in several bands but all of them were shitty, I´m like the only one in my area to play and enjoy metal which sucks but the band I´m in now is ok, it´s sort of semi metal.
I play Guitar and Bass. I try and sing....I am pretty good at Black metal rasps and Clean singing, but can't growl (I am working on it though... :heh: ) I also play drums and keyboards, but not as much as the ones mentioned above. I write a lot of music as well. I don't have anyone that I play it with though :( Which really sucks.... I have about 5 songs total that are each 10 to 20 minutes long. Then, I also have a lot of other riffs that will eventually be put into songs. Hopefully I will find someone to play with.... :mad: :cry:
I play with guitar and piano from time to time - actually, I've been playing a bit of one or both almost everyday lately - but I'm not very good.

I need to keep practicing.

I think metal inspires people to play instruments, because metal has some of the best music out there.

I've never been in a band, but I used to jam with a guy who had a bass guitar.

I'm thinking about taking a music theory class next semester.

I never took a singing class, and I'd be embarassed to try, since I don't think it's a skill I'm naturally inclined to be good at. When I'm goofing around with my friends I can do a pretty good imitation of a black metal kinda vocal, but I can't do a death metal growl at all.
Currently I can play a decent tuba, alto sax, and bari sax. I'm learning bass guitar. If I really put my mind to it, I could learn to play just about any instrument. In Alabama there are no people (or at least that I know of) who like any decent metal. So I have no real metal friends.:cry: But I'm working on it.:heh: I'm a metal missionary.:D
I play the piano and the guitar (self-taught), but I'm not very good at all and I'm reprehensibly deficient in the basics of both.

I can play nocturnes by Chopin and two sonatas by beethoven in addition to a few things by Debussy and Rachmaninoff, but I can't site-read very well and I really struggle to play the faster passages (i.e., I suck)

For the guitar, funny thing I can play almost anything that comes on the radio and mtv- from Smashing Pumpkins to stained etc and eric clapton (on the accoustic guitar that I have). But it's all chordal stuff. I don't know exactly how to play otherwise. If someone can give a me few pointers that'd be great.
I've played guitar for 13 years, 10 of those solely Classical. I even studied it at University, got a Diploma in Classical Music majoring in Guitar performance (I can pretty much play any classical piece out there). Only had an electric guitar for 3 years, so while I'm ok, I'm not great (classical and electric guitars may as well be different instruments- they both have strings and frets, but require a totally different technique:mad: ).
I don't play in a band (noone likes metal where I live), but I write doom songs.
I have my cheap little squier strat with which I occaisionally like to make sounds come from, sometimes for the joy of playing along with some of my favourite riffs, others for making up little melodies, which, if I were to attain some level of understanding of the theory/fundamentals of music, I might evolve one day into actual "songs". I've only been playing for about a year or so and it's one of many artistic hobbies I'm constantly engaged in.