My Drumsolo - what do you think about it?

Felix Neumann

Sep 14, 2008
--- UPDATE ---

My drumsound inbedded in a mix with 2 tracks Krank Revolution jr. / Mesa recti 4x12 and a bass.

Here we go:

Drumsolo Update (better snare, better mix, more room)

Hello my friends :kickass:

First of all, my profession is not playing drums..I´m more focussed on playing guitar. Soundwise I work a lot on the drums though. That´s why I´m sitting behind my Pearl and work my ass off. Yesterday I tryed to play some ideas and recorded it.

What do you think about the sound/performance?


Felix Neumann
There are some rolls that sounds really robotic, but anyway, I like the sound, even tho cymbals are higher in the mix than the rest of the kit ( with the exception of the kick drum)
Thanks man :) I used drumagog for the snare..(DW - sm57) I think, I still do something wrong. Any tipps how to getting rid of this robotic sound? Maybe there is an drumagog option I didn´t know yet.
Good playing dude! You have great potential, you should keep playing drums :D Definately better than many I've heard around here in my town, who actually call themselves drummers.

The kick is right up front but the rest of the kit sounds like it's 5 meters back from the kick... that's a bit weird but I guess it's due to the samples or something? Or maybe everything but the kick has reverb/room on it, which would be okay in a mix perhaps. And yea, the snare is a bit machine-like but I have no experience with Drumagog so no help I'm afraid :(
Good playing dude! You have great potential, you should keep playing drums :D Definately better than many I've heard around here in my town, who actually call themselves drummers.

The kick is right up front but the rest of the kit sounds like it's 5 meters back from the kick... that's a bit weird but I guess it's due to the samples or something? Or maybe everything but the kick has reverb/room on it, which would be okay in a mix perhaps. And yea, the snare is a bit machine-like but I have no experience with Drumagog so no help I'm afraid :(

Thank you very, very much, dude :headbang: I´m really glad, you liked the performance. I began as a 12 years old kid with drums and after 3 years I deceided to take Guitar lessons. In a certain way in my veins runs drummablood :kickass:

You´re right, the kick is brutal emphasized..(in the mix it´d work, what is strangely) But I really do not like the snare now, I´m just working on a much better update. I hope you´ll like it.
Awesome man! The snare sounds a bit more natural now, and I'm sure it will be very nice in a mix. Even if it might seem a little robotic here and there, I'm sure it will not be the case in a full mix.

Felix dude, did you mention what mics you used and stuff? This shit is badass :D You said the snare is sample replaced, but what else? How about the kick and the toms? I love the way the toms sound right now, even if it's still slightly too distant, but it's just a matter of taste I think.
Awesome man! The snare sounds a bit more natural now, and I'm sure it will be very nice in a mix. Even if it might seem a little robotic here and there, I'm sure it will not be the case in a full mix.

Felix dude, did you mention what mics you used and stuff? This shit is badass :D You said the snare is sample replaced, but what else? How about the kick and the toms? I love the way the toms sound right now, even if it's still slightly too distant, but it's just a matter of taste I think.

Hell yes, it´s good to hear that :headbang: Thank you, dude!

I will describe my set-up tomorrow in detail (with pictures). Unfuckingfortunately I don´t have much time now..I have to go offline. See you tomorrow!! :)

much better felix!

Thanks, Olli :headbang:
Okay dudes...I have some pictures for you. Here we go:

My Drumset front (the overheads-samson7kit)

On the following picture my snare/toms miced (snare-sm57 / 2 toms-samson7kit)

AKG C3000B for the floor tom

And finally the samson7kit bassdrum microphone (capsule at the height of the hole)

I used some microphones of the samson7kit. I don´t wanna get rid of it, because it works very well. For this drumsolo soundtest I only replaced the snare, but mixed it together with the original signal. The samson bassdrum microphone is THE SHIT for this price! The most important element after micing clearly is the EQing. Without a good EQ Set-up it sounds VERY, VERY BAD!!!! In my case ;)

You don´t have to be a millionair to get an acceptable drumsound at these days, I think. Okay, the room is not unimportant. A sloping wooden ceiling is the best what can happen to ya, when you wanna record drums imo. Destroy the geometry of the room!!!

I always make the panning like I sit on the drummer´s throne, because mainly drummers are interested in "where is which element" questions. As a drummer I fucking hate it, when I hear a record and the ride is left and hi-hats right. Stop this!!! Non drummers give a fuck about where is which element of the drumset. I hope, I could help you a bit :) Cheers, dudes!
Seeing that has made me really want to try micing up a kit myself, but I only have 1 mic, a UX2 and no drumkit. :lol:

I'll keep this thread in mind for the future though. It looks like a lot of fun.
I could always borrow my drummers at some point, but for now I have enough trouble being able to play my amp loud enough without disturbing my housemates doing their uni work.

When I move out after I finish my degree it will be a whole new story. :)
I'm sorry for the following words Felix but... YOU ARE A LIAR! ... please tell me you are, because I refuse to believe you got that kick sound from that samson mic. SERIOUSLY. o_O

And the toms... I love the way they sound, it's like... I dunno, just love 'em.

Ok, you have to describe everything you did to the kick. Start from the heads, what brand are they and how are they tuned? Very loose I suppose? Any dampening inside the bass drum? I can see the mic and its position so that's good, but then what... does it pass through any analog gear or straight into your computer? What happens next, what processing?

Give me the info duuuuuude! *acts like a drug addict*
That sounds very nice. While the sound of the toms itself is awesome - they lack a bit of attack for my taste , did you compress out much of that ? Do you have tested how they come out in a full mix ?

I should test myself as well how much I can get out of my shitty mics...
Hmmm just give me a bit time to make some detailed pics man.

And the most important thing is....I´m not a liar!

First of all I wanna show you the naked clips of 2 bassdrum kicks and the finished kick after using Eq, compr and gate. Here we go:

naked kick

finished kick

I just recorded it..absolutely fresh! Samson for president ;) The small difference between my drumsolo and this recorded kicks are because of the fact, that I worked on the drum stereosum as well (Room and final equalizing for the drums). Also overheads are not added, just the pure edited kick signal.