My thrash/speed metal section sucks (ie. I'm a stupid n00b)


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
Inspired by the display of awesome thrash tonight, I make this thread: okay, naturally I have all Metallica and Megadeth albums. I have most early Anthrax albums except for "Among The Living". I have only one Slayer album (I have them all on mp3), but I've been delaying that stuff for years since they have lots of money and its a big discography to aquire, even if just the first 5 albums. I also have 2 Testament albums (The New Order and a best of comp.)

Thusly, I need more thrash. I'm looking into this stuff:

Sodom - Agent Orange and M-16 (I've been meaning to get this when I find it for less than $19.99 an album (ie. $16 for you amerikans)
Kreator (huge discography, and I have Live Kreation and Renewal... I need to expand on that... Coma of Souls and Pleasure to Kill perhaps?)
Destruction (I've heard The Anti-Christ and it rules. How's Infernal Overkill and Eternal Devestation?)
Death Angel (I have Act III. "The Ultra-Violence" is supposedly good but hard to find?)
Exodus (should have these already)
Testament (should have the first 4 already but I'm lazy)
Slayer (should have this already, but they have money so I can live off of mp3s for a little while longer)
Anthrax (need "Among the Living")
Hirax (how's this stuff?)
Lääz Rockit (this stuff too... how is it?)
Forbidden (Forbidden Evil is generally praised by some thrashers I know. Would you guys recommend?)
Overkill - (Naturally. I have "The Years of Decay" How does the rest of their stuff hold up?)

Comments? Suggestions of better stuff?
DUDE. Slayer - Reign in Blood, Sepultura - Arise, and Sacred Reich - American Way are MUST HAVES GOD DAMMIT!!!

But Rust in Peace is the best, so everything else will be disappointing in comparison. :Spin:
Oh yeah and SOD - Speak English or Die. I'm shocked that more people on this forum don't praise this album like I do, it's frickin' golden.
hopefully I can find some of these cheap because I know that a lot of thrash got signed to major labels in the 80s and now the labels don't know what to do with all these thrash cds now that the demand has gone down. ie. Spreading the Disease is $5.99 CDN at one store I know.


Extended version. :kickass:

Try, they probably have some shits for cheap. Among the Living is cool too, but I wouldn't put it up there with the crap I mentioned. Oh yeah, Uncle Slam is pretty fun too. Nothing fancy, just cool.
all those are good ... stay away from HIRAX and LAAZ ROCKIT

if you like Exodus ... get some VIO-LENCE (hard to find though)
Vio-lence is cool if you can tune your ears to not hear the singer. Egads man, his voice grates my very being.
he is definetelly an aquired taste ... but he grows on you and then you realize he is just unique
Off topic since I just noticed your signature: Salad Fingers if fucking freaky. Have you seen Banana Fingers? Weebls Stuff has them. I think the URL is just but I don't recall.

PS: go buy some Sacred Reich.
ok, shopping list:

Sacred Reich - American Way
Sepultura - Arise
Vio-lence (any)
Anthrax - Among The Living
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill & Coma of Souls
Sodom - Agent Orange & M-16
Destruction - Infernal Overkill & Eternal Devestation
NicodemiX said:
okay, I'll look out for some of those.

what about D.R.I.? and Nuclear Assault?
I used to like DRI, but it sounds pretty dated now. Nuclear Assault's Game Over is excellent. Handle w/ care is good too.
NicodemiX said:
Sodom - Agent Orange and M-16 (I've been meaning to get this when I find it for less than $19.99 an album (ie. $16 for you amerikans)
Both kill. Get the double release of "In the Sign of Evil"/"Obsessed by Cruelty" as well. The first is some of the best/rawest/most evil/honest 80's black metal you're likely to hear this side of Bathory.

NicodemiX said:
Kreator (huge discography, and I have Live Kreation and Renewal... I need to expand on that... Coma of Souls and Pleasure to Kill perhaps?)
Those are great choices, also be sure to get "Extreme Aggression" -- actually everything up to and including "Coma of Souls." The Flag of Hate EP KILLS, and you get that tacked onto today's "Pleasure to Kill" CD's, so lucky you.

NicodemiX said:
Destruction (I've heard The Anti-Christ and it rules. How's Infernal Overkill and Eternal Devestation?)
"Infernal Overkill" -- very raw, straightforward, blackened. Rules. "Eternal Devastation" rules even more I'd say, some very melodic/epic guitar work -- CURSE THE GODS is THE Destruction song. Mandatory.

NicodemiX said:
Death Angel (I have Act III. "The Ultra-Violence" is supposedly good but hard to find?)
I don't think UV is hard to find anymore. Very unique, full of youthful energy, quality riffs a dime a dozen. Worth getting for "Kill as One", "Voracious Souls" and "Thrashers" alone.

NicodemiX said:
Exodus (should have these already)
Yeah, first three...

NicodemiX said:
Testament (should have the first 4 already but I'm lazy)
"The Legacy." Essential, not a weak fucking moment on the disc. "The New Order" is really cool, but not as cool as Legacy. "Practice" is incredibly overrated, it has two great songs, a number of other good ones and some pretty wimpy filler. "Souls of Black" is OK, "Face in the Sky" kills but most of the other stuff is pretty faceless, if decent.

NicodemiX said:
Slayer (should have this already, but they have money so I can live off of mp3s for a little while longer)
Everything up to and including "Seasons in the Abyss." No if's and but's.

NicodemiX said:
Hirax (how's this stuff?)
I think they're third-tier for a reason. That said, I've only heard one song. Haha.

NicodemiX said:
Lääz Rockit (this stuff too... how is it?)
Early stuff is not stellar 80's power metal, but starting with "Know Your Enemy", they gradually turned into a thrash band, to fucking thrash endlessly and without mercy on "Nothing'$ Sacred." I would recommend getting that and "Annihilation Principle" for some solid Bay Area thrash... if you can find them.

NicodemiX said:
Forbidden (Forbidden Evil is generally praised by some thrashers I know. Would you guys recommend?)
Strange album, this. Two songs that absolutely KILL ("Forbidden Evil" and "Chalice of Blood" -- the former is one of the finest thrash songs EVER) and the rest ranges from decent to complete filler. If you look up "uneven albums" in a dictionary, there's bound to be a picture of this. "Twisted into Form" is supposedly more even, but I haven't heard all of it, only the track "Infinite" which is killer stuff. I'd say get "Twisted into Form" if you see it, and "Forbidden Evil" if you see it cheap.

NicodemiX said:
Overkill - (Naturally. I have "The Years of Decay" How does the rest of their stuff hold up?)
Some of their mid-period stuff ("The Killing Kind", etc) is far too much GROVVE DUH DUH DUH CRUSH riffs and MUTHAFUCKA!!! screams. I think I'd stick to "Horrorscope" and the albums before that, at least to start with. "Feel the Fire" is great fucking early thrash with a feeling like "Kill 'em All", it absolutely slays. Their latest "Killbox 13" is supposedly rather fucking good too, I know THE SOUND YOU HEAR CRYSTAL CLEAR IS THE SOUND OF FEAR THE SOUND OF DYYYING! DYYYING! is.
lurch70 said:
all those are good ... stay away from LAAZ ROCKIT
Do not listen to this man, obviously a stark raving lunatic :p

Though if they neved had released their last two albums, I'd have been inclined to agree. For the last album, they should have changed their name to something like THE FUKKIN THRASH DEVASTRUKTORZ to shed all remains of the 80's power metal stuff because "Nothing'$ Sacred" is like "The Legacy" meets Slayer or something, I mean it just thrashes like out of its mind.
NicodemiX said:
ok, shopping list:

Sacred Reich - American Way*
Sepultura - Arise*
Vio-lence (any)
Anthrax - Among The Living
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill & Coma of Souls
Sodom - Agent Orange* & M-16
Destruction - Infernal Overkill & Eternal Devestation
Erik gave a lot of good info, although I don't agree with all of it :p , but either way, if this is your shopping list, it is mighty fine.

*Personal Faves.

Do not ignore Sepultura whatever you do. Start with Arise and make your way BACKWARDS. If you like shouty hardcore, make your way FORWARDS. The choice between metaldom and gaydom is yours.