Over here in the northeast, it's that time of year again---some recent discoveries (and one re-discovery)
If I had anyone to play d&d with, this would be my soundtrack

-- resistance IS futile
Norwegian folk--a mix of more dynamic tracks with more subdued acoustic ones--excellent vocals throughout. I'm surprised this band isn't getting a bit more attention
mostly instrumental acoustic goodness from nj--quite striking
More Norwegian folk--mostly instrumental but also dynamic--some distortion here and there--good stuff
Puerto Rican folk project--high quality acoustics with great vocals as well--truly music to get lost in
This band used to be Backwoods, an acoustic band who I plugged on the forum back in the late 2000's (anyone remember?). Seems hard to even find any trace of their demos (seven fathoms and another) I am probably the only person in the entire u.s with two backwoods shirts

Anyway--they're now "Woods End" ---and have a few albums and EPs -- vocals have improved--a bit more dynamic with some distorted guitars here and there--definitely good fall/winter music
P.S. still waiting for that Tenhi announcement from prophecy...any day now!