
thanks man for letting me know about these bands...i will try getting hold of their cds or mp3s if any...

and shitnot??? wait a min... i like this band...why do "metaller" have to act such stupid... relax...if u don't like any band it;s ok but don't go out and start slandering...

i just wanna guess what will happen here in um if i say i like Limp Bizkit.....

well i don't know about any of you and about parimal too.... why do u make it a big issue??
shitsnot..limp dickshit... poRn...these are someofthe words i have come across the site like this is ridiculus as far as any genre of music is concerned......

if you like, listen to it,
if you don't like, don't listen to it !!!

( i know a lot of you might think me as a jerk..well be that...i can tolerate that )

ps: are there any kitchen knife conspiracy fans around here??? (no this isn't a nu metal band)

dyingfetus ruls
Originally posted by deadmoth
thanks man for letting me know about these bands...i will try getting hold of their cds or mp3s if any...

and shitnot??? wait a min... i like this band...why do "metaller" have to act such stupid... relax...if u don't like any band it;s ok but don't go out and start slandering...

i just wanna guess what will happen here in um if i say i like Limp Bizkit.....

well i don't know about any of you and about parimal too.... why do u make it a big issue??
shitsnot..limp dickshit... poRn...these are someofthe words i have come across the site like this is ridiculus as far as any genre of music is concerned......

if you like, listen to it,
if you don't like, don't listen to it !!!

( i know a lot of you might think me as a jerk..well be that...i can tolerate that )

ps: are there any kitchen knife conspiracy fans around here??? (no this isn't a nu metal band)

dyingfetus ruls

you like the new slipknot?hahaha....the old material of old slipknot is the best i think,still bring the originality of deadth metal concept........and because of the glam,their change their music into a new metal style,combining death metal with jazz and rap style(totally,i hate rap....also hip hop!!)as their influence.....and all the true die-hard death metal disciple starting to annoy and fuck them.........who cares??as the slipknot get their popularity,they all will never cares who will fuck them.

limbishit??hahahahahhaahhaha...!!!this stupid bonehead fred dust(not durst,dust means "corpse") are also a wannabe nu-metal......."limbiskit style,choclate starfish.."hahahahahahaha...what da stupid fucking funny of these words.......

koRn or poRn??this stupid jonathan davis has made a "split" with derek green,the nu-SEPULTURA vocalist......(i think davis are not made a split with derek,but just only a guest in a song called "ramanhatta")......aahh...this band,KORN are wannabe hardcore band.....hahahahaha.....don't like them all.....

anyway,if you want to listen it,just go on,but not for your true influence,because we all starting from this nu- shit band....i'm also starting from stupid band.......ahh......just forget my words,like you say,"if you want to listen,just go on.....who cares".....
Fact 101:
slip.knot (slip'knot')
a knot made so that it will slip along the rope, etc. around which it is tied; running knot.

what kinda band name is that? to tell you the truth, their first album is good, might be something new to the metal scene. the problem is, they start to sell their album well, all hell broke loose... all those rock star ego starting to show up in them... i mean, there's an interview with the vocalist about their new album iowa, he said; "you just have to listen to iowa just to know that i'm the best songwriter in the world...". yeah right, whatever... that pretty fucking ego... so fuck them. they just lost my intrest... in another time, they would have been a legend amongs the extream metal scene... too bad know that they sold out now...

- red_beef (hell, iced earth makes far more better music then slipknot)
Hey guys it's true that choices vary and opinions are always different. well let's keep that thing aside.

i am a huge sepultura fan..their early works are just great..the new sepultura is also just 'ok'...but just wish they had never changed... some of the slayer albums are also masterpieces but i hate tom's vocals....goin into a bit more into extreme metal... for me cannible corpse is the greatest with morbid angle and deicide following... some black metal bands and some hardcore/grind/sludge metal bands .

early metallica (till justice album), early megadeth (till rust in peace), early paradise lost, early slayer, early entombed, early this, early that.... all these early wait a min..... these 'metal' bands gave up on the fan..betrayed us in a way...
so i started searching for the bands with the same intensity and ferocity... but eventually landed up listening to slipknot..this band just blew me was was different and sometimes really brutal.... it's becos of those 'early' bands turning away from metal that made me (and many more) to shift into nu-metal genre... that's what i think... i will never ever get tired listening to all those metal bands (death/black/ many genres) but at the same time i will be listening to slipknot ( may be not after the 3rd album if it's gonna be like 2nd), rage against the machine (rip) and korn...

today it's saturday....there's a gig in the city with UgraKarma also playing... hey parimal...may be you will be there aswell.

I can't be there... Planned something else. Not concerts really.
Yea...Ugrakarma live must been a real kick-ass. Tell me when about it after you return.
And yea, as much as i hate numetal, i really don't want to create a issue. It just a thought @ UM, where everyone can junk up with their opinions. I don't mind having a nu-metal fan around, as long as you're cool with it, but yes, maybe, just maybe, the word 'nu-metal', is banned in my guestbook.
As i can see, you're more into grindcore, death, black, doom, quake (uh..oh, did i go wrong somewhere? hehe)... that's fine. Not my style, but it's metal, and i enjoyed some of cannibal corpse anyway.

"Anyone got any comments on DEMOLITION by Judas Priest, and deadmoth, can u please tell me more places where i can get metal CDs...?"
hey parimal
i got one mail saying he has a huge collections of metal cds...thought that guy was from ktm around..turned out he's from bombay..anyway i will forward you the mail....

i am just hoping won't's raining heavily rite now... we have organised one gig tomorrow...but rain's gonna freak us up i guess..hehe

what's that gig about? any metal bands there? where is it? :grin:
and that guy, the one whom you sent the address, can he provide ME CDs? He lives in Bombay rite, so how will i get hold of his CDs?? :grin:

yea, peace (exactly what nepal needs)
hey man..can't seem to find ur email address .. i woulda forward his mail...
may be air mail i guess... he's got tons of cds and mp3s...

gig is in T.C with your un-favorite bands... X-Mantra, ALbatross, Ashesh Nekhvam, Fifth Grade Dropout and Ozzobozo and two of our college bands... starts from 12's just Rs 25/-

no i don't cos i didn't go to that gig !
but here's what i heard...(it might not be true..or might be fucking true) Ugrakarma sucked re... but another said Ugrakarma shud never had performed... but some said they kicked ass.. some said they were hillarious switching between instruments and vocal duties... anyway that's all i heard...