Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done/Period of your life

OMG what a killer thread!

Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done/Period of your life:

Well, I was a leader of two Quake II clans at one point, and we competed a LAN parties back in ... god, I think it was 1997 or so?
God those LAN parties back in the 90s... I've never seen so much pr0n being traded, and most of it (and I'm talking the really filthy crap too) was traded by the teens attending the parties! :lol:
oh, right, missed that.
Lol @ porn trading
"Don't worry, it'll wipe right off"
"This one's a bit soggy, but it'll dry out"
Back in high school I had long hair but I decided to "shave" it underneath where its like a buzz cut under but still long on top. I looked like a skunk.
Whyyyyy did you bump this, necromancer?!

Hmm, now that Friday 13th is coming up, it reminds me that a few years ago, me and a few friends met up to play d&d from about noon to 2 AM, and it happened to be Friday 13th. That was pretty kvlt :p
Hmm, now that Friday 13th is coming up, it reminds me that a few years ago, me and a few friends met up to play d&d from about noon to 2 AM, and it happened to be Friday 13th. That was pretty kvlt :p

I'm actually graduating on Friday the 13th. After that, I'll start a more nerdy education.
I played Yu-Gi-Oh a few weeks ago a couple times with a friend at lunch. He kicked my ass both times.