Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done/Period of your life

I think Frost has his hair like that.
Anselmo used to as well.
Looks silly, imo.

Magic has gone downhill though, Vintage or Legacy ftw, there you can still use cool cards. : d

Me taking a dump onto the decaying corpse of a baby pwns Magic tbh.
Being a drunk fatass >/> Magic.

Or you just play with your friends who don't care about formats
In which case it's vintage.

Vintage = all cards
Legacy is I guess probably Planeshift on now?
And then the third one, modern or whatever, would be the newest 2 cycles plus the latest core edition. I used to play all 3 competitively and Legacy is my favorite - modern is too constricting and vintage is usually over by turn 3.
All I do is draft. I enjoy the the level playing field. Really doesn't matter how much money you have, but rather on deck drafting and card evaluation skills. But there is always some luck involved of course.
Draft is cool, although when I played I played online where everyone had access to every card so that the playing field was level. Still, drafting is really fun because you have to think fast and understand strategy rather than just look up whatever deck the champs use.
Or you just play with your friends who don't care about formats
I do that too sometimes, and it's fun but IMO nothing beats the feeling when both you and your opponent are playing very powerful decks and you know that every single play counts really much and you have to really be on your toes and think all the time. :)
Also, the game is more fun when you know your deck is top notch and running in prime order and you kick someone's ass with Tooth and fucking Nail for Krosan Kolossus.

This thread is aptly named, it seems.