Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done/Period of your life

My current Magic deck is W/R and focuses on enchant creature spells. In addition to boosting creatures I control (mainly weenies so I can get plenty out quickly), I have two Celestial Ancients in my deck (3WW, Flying 3/3, whenever an enchantment is played put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you, if I have both out, each time I play an enchant creature each of my creatures gets a +2/+2 counter :cool:). If this tactic doesn't completely own the enemy, I have Brion Stoutarm also (2RW, 4/4, recovers X life whenever it deals X damage, R+tap+sacrifice another creature to deal damage equal to that creature's power to target creature or player then gain that much back with his amazing Lifelink ability) to toss, for example, 15/15 Celestial Ancients + other monsters at my enemies.


I always loved drafting Brion, even though giants were weak in the format. I sometimes play standard with Mono Red Elementals. Basically run smoke braider, banquet, Simian Spirit Guide (mana accel for turn one braider or banquet), then beat down with Nova chaser and burn spells.
Me too, stopped caring for real when Onslaught rotated out of standard. Played some extended when Timespiral came out too but got bored fast. Now I only play occasionally with my friends or if it s a local legacy tournament or something.

U/G in my <3! I liked it better when it was standard and extended legal though. I'm not confortable with using my Force of Wills in it. :p So I play Fish in Legacy/Vintage instead.
I used to have a squirrel deck that could churn out about 60 squirrels really fast. Used some combo between this elf hero I forget the name of and Squirrel nest. I think it was that the elf you could pay G to untap a land and the Squirrel nest you tap the enchanted land to create a squirrel, or something like that. Or maybe it was to create a disturbing amount of mana. Can't quite recal... At that point it doesn't matter that they're all 1/1 - you're fucked, but on top of all that I used some of the ill tribal cards from Onslaught to boost squirrels so I would wind up with 60 5/5s about 8 turns in...People would laugh really hard as they got owned.
Or fuck, maybe it was saprolings. I can't fuckin' remember.

Also, i played a mean green aggro. There's a bunch of cheap badass green monsters, and you can create a deck that can routinely have a 5/3 w/ trample in play by turn 3.

No shit man.
Look at the title of the thread, after all.
Not familiar with the current state of things - I only played through Mirrodin. Know a couple of the cards from the one after that.

I started playing at Onslaught; stopped at Kamigawa, and then started again during Time Spiral, because of the whole nostalgia factor.

TBH, Shadowmoor (the newest set) is a decent block so far, but they're really fucking things up for this new block coming afterwards; introducing a new rarity called "mythic rare". :rolleyes:
I haven't looked at the new sets too in depth but they seem all right. Time Spiral was a really good block and even brought me back into playing. My only worry is that they just keep adding new things too quickly and the game becomes bloated, although I do understand that the game can't just stagnate.
used to play a lot of D&D and other D&D style games, just with different themes.

sword fights
I used to play with a legendary Shrine deck liberally strewn with Mirror Gallery cards. Didn't have a creature card in the entire deck, which meant it was a little hit and miss, but with 4 of every shrine in the deck it could be potentially invincible. To put that into context; with two of every shrine I could gain 40 life a turn, deal 20 damage to target creature or player (in two lots of 10 damage), play 20 1/1 colorless spirit creatures, cause my opponent to discard 20 cards, and draw 20 cards. Each turn. Wasn't too bad with just one of each either. Was a bit vulnerable to anything that could destroy artifacts, and needed a lot of lands, but it worked well for me.
I honestly don't really care about the basic land in the boosters, they were doing that even in the days of Alpha through Revised.

I guess what bugs me is the new B&R list for Vintage (Brainstorm, Ponder, a bunch of other common blue card-draw spells were restricted), and the "mythic rare" rarity; they're slowly turning the game into Yugioh here.