Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done/Period of your life

In 8th grade when I decided to stop collecting Yugioh cards, one day I walked into the school library where everyone was playing. I said "I give up on this game, they're all yours." I threw all my cards on the table and they nearly ripped each other to pieces in the scramble. I was so relieved.
I actually bought a starter deck of Yugioh so I could play with my little cousin. I only really played for about two months. :/
My deck owns. When I'm not playing the boring way where you have to sacrifice a weak monster to summon a stronger one (although I do pretty well the normal way). When I lived in New Jersey I used to kick my neighbors ass each time, even when he cheated. He had one of the Egyptian God cards. The one where you sacrifice life points to give it attack and defense. But I had a permanent trap that got rid of all special abilities so I would just attack it with one of my strong monsters with a bunch of power ups and do 5,000 points of damage. Each time he would play it I would just use the trap and he would either lose or get mad and quit.

Although there is one fatal flaw to my deck. I have too many permanent trap and magic cards.
I started playing at Onslaught; stopped at Kamigawa, and then started again during Time Spiral, because of the whole nostalgia factor.

TBH, Shadowmoor (the newest set) is a decent block so far, but they're really fucking things up for this new block coming afterwards; introducing a new rarity called "mythic rare". :rolleyes:
Kamigawa, that's it...I stopped cold about there.

I used to play with a legendary Shrine deck liberally strewn with Mirror Gallery cards. Didn't have a creature card in the entire deck, which meant it was a little hit and miss, but with 4 of every shrine in the deck it could be potentially invincible. To put that into context; with two of every shrine I could gain 40 life a turn, deal 20 damage to target creature or player (in two lots of 10 damage), play 20 1/1 colorless spirit creatures, cause my opponent to discard 20 cards, and draw 20 cards. Each turn. Wasn't too bad with just one of each either. Was a bit vulnerable to anything that could destroy artifacts, and needed a lot of lands, but it worked well for me.
Don't know much about shrines, but that sounds badass.
Tooth and Nail was one of my favorite decks to play. I also built (irl) 2 really cool decks; one was a badass suicide black deck that could do some serious damage (to both parties, unfortunately) with Grinning Demons, Phyrexian Terrors, etc. The other was a cycling deck in which I'd play stuff like Krosan Colusses and the 12/12 Krosan thing (forget what it was) morphed, use astral slide (cycle a card and you can remove a target permanent from the game, it comes back in at end of turn) with cycling. I'd remove the morphed creature and according to the rules even if it's face down it comes back in face I could have a 12/12 in on turn 4. Pretty much no-one could match that shit.
Also, just for fun I once built a red deck that was all walls and burn spells. Sounds gimped, but it actually took down a couple surprisingly good players.
The other was a cycling deck in which I'd play stuff like Krosan Colusses and the 12/12 Krosan thing (forget what it was) morphed, use astral slide (cycle a card and you can remove a target permanent from the game, it comes back in at end of turn) with cycling. I'd remove the morphed creature and according to the rules even if it's face down it comes back in face I could have a 12/12 in on turn 4. Pretty much no-one could match that shit.

Yeah, when a card is removed from the game, unless it says otherwise, it's turned face up as soon as it leaves play.

I've always wanted to build a deck like that for Standard play; rather than Astral Slide and Krosan Skyscraper, it'd incorporate Momentary Blink and the red Akroma.
Oh, also, on nights like tonight when I really need my sleep... I'll stay up late instead just to listen to metal so my plays will scrobble on
That's pretty bad.

Oh, and I also do it because the music is good.
Yeah, when a card is removed from the game, unless it says otherwise, it's turned face up as soon as it leaves play.

I've always wanted to build a deck like that for Standard play; rather than Astral Slide and Krosan Skyscraper, it'd incorporate Momentary Blink and the red Akroma.

Yeah, that was it, Krosan Skyscraper.
Anyhow, it doesn't matter what badass creature you use. You could build a WR version. But I would prefer having Astral slide because it can be used a whole bunch of times. I guess Onslaught has rotated out by now, though. Too bad, because it also had those lands that were like normal lands except w/ cycling.