Nerdiest Thing You've Ever Done/Period of your life

I don't see myself as a very nerdy person. Let's see...

- I was into anime for a couple years and it's still a bit of an interest for me, but I was never nearly as deeply into it as most anime dorks are.

- I've been obsessed with LOTR since about the age of 16, though I'm not really into much other fantasy stuff.

- I used to spend most of my time playing games like FFVI, FFVII, Chrono Trigger, etc. That was when I was very young though.

- I collect logic textbooks. I go to used book stores and search the shelves for logic texts. Then I take them home and read them and do the exercises/proofs even though I already know all the stuff in these books. I have more of these books than anyone really needs. This is probably the nerdiest thing I do.
- I was into anime for a couple years and it's still a bit of an interest for me, but I was never nearly as deeply into it as most anime dorks are.
I would never have guessed that. :kickass:

Tolkien is great btw, something I forgot in my list. I've read nearly all his work and is pretty knowledgable about his world.
I was in cooking class in High School.

That's considered nerdy? Hell, I cook for fun these days, and my better half doesn't seem to mind, so it can't be that bad.

I went through a brief phase four years ago when I would collect random business cards from all the places I had gone to (restaurants, stores, offices etc.) and then put them all over my walls.

I did this from the time I was 7 up until some point in high school, and I still have two of those business card filers filled with all of them. Somewhere down the line I reached point in my life where people seemed to be literally throwing their cards at me left and right, so I guess it lost its charm...for lack of a better word.

The only particularly nerdy activity I can think of is playing around with programming languages when I was 15-16. Mostly C++, JavaScript and anything that could generate some kind of fancy-schmancy website features. But since I didn't always do it successfully, that makes me a fairly incompetent nerd. I'm not sure if that's better or worse.
I play Magic (well, I sorta quit 3-4 months ago, but whatever).

I also design M:tG cards, and am in the process of working on a set of my own.

That's about it though.
This could actually pertain to me now but,

I collect obscure horror and b-rated film.

I collect metal CDs/Vinyl (c'mon, you can't tell me that this is not a nerdy hobby)

I am very interested in philosophy.

I don't like sports much at all.

My best friend and I decided to start playing Magic The Gathering again for nostalgic purposes. :p

I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs.
i did the magic the gathering and d&d thing back in the day.
i played the original delta force online like 6 hours a day.
i was even in a squad,we set up private games and battle it out with other squads.stoney*mosher* takes no prisoners bitches

oh yeah, first post. sup nukkas