Neverboard Winter Meetup (East Coast)

Haha I was about to say I'm sure there's plenty to jump off of. Aquarium, hmmm. I remember it being pretty neat. If it's cheap and we're drunk, it will be even better!
sounds good to me. either date... just let me know, and i'll be calling out promptly :tickled:

the Harbor could work... there's also a comedy club there, aquarium, Edgar Allan Poe house, old creepy cemetery he's buried in
what time are we meeting ?

On Friday I have to work untll 5 and dont want to deal with DC to Baltimore's rush hour traffic,
Saturday I have something planned but can possibly skip that....
So I say the 19th :)
lol it's the east coast, we have wilderness over here too :p
Well, the point of that old ass post is more about countering the east coast meet with a west coast meet, rather than the terrain of said coasts.

I'm still down, by the way ;)