Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

yeh stewie is a pimp. i watched a few episodes one time when i was trippin. it was some of the funniest shit ever. only thing that was better was once i watched the first TMNT cartoon durring the onset. i almost fucking died i was laughing so hard.
yeh. it was hillarious. in the cartoon they totaly portray splinter as like a feeble old jackass. it was soooo funny how he would say stuff and they would just patranize him.
alright man, screw you, seriously. This whole summer i've been going to school and working full time, i haven't had time to jerk-off let alone go on vacation. However, in 2 days, after finals, i'll have all the uh...time on my hands i can stand
not like i had much of a choice. Purdue University seems to like to take advantage of every opportunity to rape me, sans-lubrication, that they can. Then steal my money after they're done, all without the curtousey of a reach-around. Just 'cause i'm a transfer student, total bullshit.
hah yeh that sucks man. i jsut cant take anymore school right now. maybe some time in the future, but theres no way id make it through at this point in my life.
Originally posted by krymson

Yikes, that sounds painful.

Nice to see this thread actually came to some point other than bickering. Thanks for your respect.

really she is pretty gentle. Im training her now. Broke her last week. SHe just bucked, and i wasnt ready hahahahaha.

she was born on my farm, been fooling with her since she hit the ground. SHe is 2 yrs old. Its the old ones who have not been nrocken that you must worry about. The studs for sure.

Ill be fine.

YEah, i lik eit when folks come to this thread and give their opinion without going via flame route. This thread has taken a good turn here and there. Thanks for contributing.