nursing my wounds
Originally posted by neal
yeh, iced earth is more easily accessable, but that also means they are more generic and (IMO) way more boring. it aslo depends on which nevermore cds you own. i get the impression that you do not own them all. albums like 'politics of ecstacy' and 'dreaming neon black' are way more interesting and varied than the newest one 'dead heart in a dead world'. im also not a fan of the newest 3 iced earth. i think jon is just kind of repeating himself and his same tired formula.
ps glad we're gettin along better here than on that stupid nile thread on the AE board hehe.
neal, the AE board wasn't directed at you...well, maybe Dream. But he's cool. He's a bud of mine. But yes, you guys all (well most) here @ Neverforum kick azz.
As for the band, yer right, I don't have all the albums. I only have 'Dreaming...' and 'Dead Heart...', but I just ordered the s/t. I like to start at the beginning, and I would have w/ them had I known...
And for the record, I still love IE. Even their latest, for me, ALL of them. Peace out.