Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

RIGHT HERE old friend,. Been EXTREMLY busy the last few days. Gettimg in the house late. Working a horse. Will be busy for a few days. ETC. Will try to stop in by SAT night though (tomorrow night).

ABout the monitors, i got mine i think 3 yrs ago, i THINK.
well its pretty much just me and you holdin up this one. and narrot on PSH somtimes. most people want these threads to die actually hehe. they wont help us out.
yeah, BWD Pm'd me about 5 times telling me i should let it die. I just cant. I know their are still retards out there, just asking us to bash their fucken heads in verbally.
dude 'truebeliever' is the fucking retard i was talking about!! i already told him whats up with his avatar on the skyfire board. dont start shit over there tho. its not the same mood as the neverboard, its a little more lowkey and i dont wanna get blamed for you coming over and fucking it up hahahaha.
thanks haha. thats a low member almost no flamming place and its pretty cool. so if that little fucking punk can keep his trap shut and not start shit i wont have to finish shit ya know.