A Dead Sun Serenity
I don't think you realize that punk can be defined in many different ways. If I was referring to people who listen to Punk music I would have capitalized Punks. Get a clue dickhead.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
And look at my sig. I don't believe in God. It's just saying "thank god" always makes me laugh.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
BTW, I have 3000000 different personalities and you shall meet them all before this threads over.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
Also, ledmag, you are on my buddy list. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok, that was stupid. I appologize. My personalities are all running wild right now. I shall try to sedate them.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
hah. I wish I could get cable, but it doesn't run out to where I live. I think I have already mentioned this in this thread, but I am not for sure. Of course, you can see why.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
Hold on, I have to get back into character. Ok, here it goes.
Can one of you use your intelligence for once. You atleast have to have an IQ of 15. Damn. "Lord of Metal is a punk, he's well he's, he's a jerk, that's what he is". And ledmag called me a retard. Damn.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
And you don't know punks too well. You are going to call a fellow Metalhead a punk. Apparently you do not live where punks dwell. I do. There are plenty of them here. Want an example. Too bad, I'll give you an example anyway. A punk here said that "Linkin Park is more talented than Metallica". I wouldn't hate Linkin Park if it wasn't for punks like this.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
I don't think you realize that punk can be defined in many different ways. If I was referring to people who listen to Punk music I would have capitalized Punks. Get a clue dickhead.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
I will not let this thread die yet.
Originally posted by Lord of Metal
I think that you may be taking this seriously ledmag.
**LEDMAG>>>Well, usually thats the whole idea...for guys like you, ppl i dont know, who enetr this thread, and get aeven a bit out of line......then neal and i and RP, we flame you, and we want you to think we are serious,,,while all along, we are laughing our asses off....................we have sick sences of humor at times........*****
What did I say that first pissed you off?
*****LEDMAG>>>>>HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA....I love it when you guys think im pissed......****
Anyway, I want to take an IQ test. I'm an all A student. Of course, it's not hard.
***LEDMAG>>>Way back when i was in school, i was and A kid as well......and yeah, it really doesnt even require study for the most part, i mainly LISTENED........seldom did much homework.....***
"I hate to say it, but the little barrel of horse shit is right."
Unbelievable isn't it.
***LEDMAG>>>>nahhh, not really***
Anyway, this thread is starting to get tired.
**LEDMAG>>>Told ya we (I) would wear you down hahahahahahaha...i love this thread*****
It was funny as hell,
****LEDMAG>>>STill is hahahhaha****
but it just seems like it is repeating itself now.
***LEDMAG>>perhaps for you, it could still eb fun, if you would think a bit, and be a real good smart ass.......LIKE ME.***
So, let me talk seriously about drugs this time.
**LEDMAG>>>I wish you would make a thread for teh serious chat other than on NEVERMORE or iced earth, or just flame.....thats what this thread is all about...but i suppose if you insist****
I don't do them, but I have nothing against anyone who does marijuana.
**LEDMAG>>>good deal.I liek WEED, and it lieks ME...eventually, i will let it go....we have been dating for .around 15 years......if you know what i mean.....***
Most of the people who do are very intellectual.
**LEDMAG>>>Like NEAL and I......**
It also does not make a person violent, unlike alcohol.
***LEDMAG>>>Ive seen guys fight while being high on pot before..but your right for the most part, its a lay you back buzz....***
I think it should be legal, if alcohol and tobacco are.
**LEDMAG>>>I agree***
Of course, government couldn't legalize marijuana because there would be a lot of angry *Christians*.
**LEDMAG>>>Yeah, fuck them****
And they couldn't make alcohol and tobacco illegal because they make too much money off of them.
Now, I wouldn't do them, but I don't consider anyone who does *stupid*.
***LEDMAG>>>Yeah, i figured that out a couple of sentences ago........***
I do, however, consider those who do the harder drugs stupid.
***LEDMAG>>>Yes, ive been stupid for a few yrs in a row a while back.....***
It is their fault they are doing it and they are ruining their lives.
**LEDMAG>>>Yes, your right again....what about that dude, your almost on a roll here arent you>>.......***
Now, ledmag, you mentioned life. I'm going to sound like a softy when I talk about this subject, but hopefully I won't sound like one too much. I don't think people take life seriously. I mean, it is pretty much proven because of nuclear bombs. Who's the jackass that came up with that bright idea?
***LEDMAG>>>comeon man...EINSTIEN, he had the bag of atoms rememebr.......****
And they say, that some countries don't know how to use nuclear weapons the right way. There isn't a right way. Whether they are used for defense or not. Someone has to shot first and once they do the world will be no more. Anyway, to get back on life. Everyone worries about how much money they can make in a job, how much power it will give, how much control will they have over everyone else. None of that should matter. You should do whatever you want to in life. You should do whatever you enjoy. If you don't then wasn't this all a waste and what if you never have another chance. You continue on in the afterlife, thinking about how much you could have enjoyed this one. Violence is also another issue. There is so much of it. The only reason anyone watches Nascar is to see the crashes and then when someone dies they are all saddened. Jackasses. The world is a violent place in general and it's because everyone thinks their way is the right way and everyone else is wrong, even though everyone sees things differently. By the way, that's why a true democracy would never work, but this a different thread. There, now you have heard some of my true beliefs. Let's turn this into a serious thread now. I think it would be interesting to hear some of your real opinions, ledmag and neal, you both seem like smart human beings. Anyway, this thread was becoming a little too violent too.
***LEDMAG>?>>>Well, looks like your out of ammo.....hahahahhahaha
REALLY DUDE, yeah, im not for violence..but i do love to get my rocks off online...............later on man..........