Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

Just in reply to the dickhead who started this topic and to set them straight. You said that there is very little lead in Iced Earth because Jon wants to play all the lead and can't do it very well! Bollocks!! There is alot of lead and Jon does not play all the lead. Larry plays quite alot of it! Get your head out of your arse and fuck off back to Kentucky you Red Neck Ass Hole!!! I love Nevermore but Iced Earth are the band for me!
Originally posted by blackarttommy
Just in reply to the dickhead who started this topic and to set them straight. You said that there is very little lead in Iced Earth because Jon wants to play all the lead and can't do it very well! Bollocks!! There is alot of lead and Jon does not play all the lead. Larry plays quite alot of it! Get your head out of your arse and fuck off back to Kentucky you Red Neck Ass Hole!!! I love Nevermore but Iced Earth are the band for me!

HEy TOMMY2TONE, go call JENNY, her number is 867-5309. Tell her you arent like the rest, she'll understand..

Now to your poor taste.

Ok, you said
"Just in reply to the dickhead who started this topic and to set them straight"

WHo would THEM be? I thought i was THE ONLY ONE who originated this thread. Get YOUR head out of your ass dick jowel.

On the lead:
There is very little lead work,, well, very little QUALITY lead anyway. ANyone can fill a cd up with bullshit kindergarten level leads. You dont play guitar at all do you? If you do, you must be at a very low level when it comes to LEADS...or you tone def. . ANd when larry starts to cut loose, JON holds him back. SUre, ol LARRY can play lead, the tribute to the GODS cd shows us that. Listen to Burnin for you..LArr really kicks ass on those leads. But over all, your just wrong, you cant admit it, but your WRONG.

ANd yes, JON does play some of the lead. ANd when he does, the lead is even more UNDER PAR. Like your sex life jerk off.

As far as me getting back to KY....WHere the fuck have i been soince MAY 27th of 2002? IN KENTUCKY YOU STUPID FUCKER. I went to OHIO on the 27th......

Ok, now, its all too obvious that your setting at home, playing with yourself, thinking of Jon and LARRY. Ill bet you call Lar, HARRY LARRY dont ya, as your licking his hairy ass.

If you reply again, please give me some good ammo to work with here. If the IE fans were still rolling in here, your little pathetic debate would have been overlooked. SO, your lucky just to say the least that you got any ATTENTION here at all.

This thread is getting a little life breathed back into it, yay. A little rusty led, but that is to be expected. But the flames are coming back, it's a happy and bright day for the neverboard indeed.
hey guys.

LOM>>yeah man, a bit on the rust side. Need some WD 40.
BUt the dude up there, look what i was working with. HE barely got started when he stopped.
>>>>HEy TOMMY2TONE, go call JENNY, her number is 867-5309. Tell her you arent like the rest, she'll understand.. <<<<<


Two numbers off, and, for each number, it's only off by one!!!
OH SHIT DUDE! and if you take your name.. and add some letters, THEN move some around, and change them to other letters, your name is JUST LIKE MINE!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG OMG !!!!