Nevermore Vs..........iced Earth

Pyrus said:
That clip sounded vaguely like Overkill or Testament...coulda been on From the Underground and Below with a bit more crunch, or Souls of Black with a bit less groove. Shows promise.

That was not Testament. It Shitallica for sure. I'm not happy with it, sounds better then load but i think it is less heavier then the black album.
and he also knows of a bajillion bands with more talent than metallica ever had

why do people even care about metallica anymore?

I saw 7 witches and symphony X and they blow all of tallica material RIGHT OUT OF THE WATER
Symphony X does nothing for me...talented and all, but I can't get into their music like I can with, say, Overkill. I haven't heard Seven Witches...what do they sound like? Any recommendations?

Talent doesn't make a damn difference if you can't write songs. Look at Yngwie Malmsteem's masturbatory crap.
fuck you bitch, symphony X is fucking blindingly good at everything, I swear to god, last night they outdid, opeth, iced earth, slayer, arch enemy, in flames, god forbid, necromonicon, immolation and blind guardian.

They masturbate in ways that are just not comprehendable to mankind.

Listen to OF SINS AND SHADOWS, or eyes of medusa.

it was cool, some guy in the audience yelled out "MEDUSA", and without ANY practice they just threw it in the set

as for SEVEN WITCHES, it all sounded great last night I cant reccomend much since im new, but, they have a song with WINTER in the title that was good, johnny and metal messiah were badass, my fave song of the evening was probably passage to the otherside.