Nevermore Where do I start?


I want stout!
Aug 18, 2009
Chicago, IL
I was previously not impressed by Nevermore but I've only heard a few songs off of the recent live album. I was listening to an old Century Media sampler and I heard Nevermore's song The River Dragon Has Come and thought it was great. I see they have a good amount of albums. I'm just looking for some advice on where to begin.
Dead Heart In a Dead World is probably their most accessible ... that might be the best place for you to start.

My favorite is Dreaming Neon Black ... It's conceptual, and has always stood out to me as Nevermore's finest from beginning to end.

All in all it's hard to go wrong with any Nevermore discs, but those are the two I would start with.

I'm actually a pretty big fan of This Godless Endeavor (the Psalm of Lydia actually got me into the band.), Politics of Ecstasy coming in a pretty close second.
My vote goes to Dreaming Neon Black.

Metal Masterpiece...

The dual live album "The Year of the Voyager" would also be a good place to start. There are songs from all of Nevermore albums on that one. You can pick it up for 9 bucks at Laser's Edge.
1. Dreaming Neon Black
2. Dead Heart In A Dead World

the band's 2 masterpieces
I'd agree with Britt... Dreaming is their finest hour, however Dead Heart, which is nearly on par, is far more accessible. The Godless Endeavor is also a flawless disc. In essence, you're attempting to choose between discs that would all rate 10/10. So it may be best to just start with Dreaming and work your way forward.
I'm a late bloomer to this band, so sort of like Dream Theater, my favorite is the first one I listened to. With DT it's Octavarium (though now truthfully it's Metropolis) and with Nevermore it most certainly This Godless Endeavor. TGE truly blew me away the first time I listened to. Having said that though, I still have yet to grab all their discs. I definitely should do that.
When I seriously began exploring this band I simply started at the first and worked my way up. IMO Enemies is their weakest. It just always sounded a little too "mainstream" for what I want to hear from Nevermore. Jeff Loomis is the highlight of this band for me. Quite frankly I think he's a modern version of Tony Iommi due to his riffage and tone. :headbang:

Yeah, the original was bad. They actually released the better mix not all that long after the bad mix hit the shelves. The second version was much improved. Kelly Gray's muddy first version was a wreck.

Yeah, the original was bad. They actually released the better mix not all that long after the bad mix hit the shelves. The second version was much improved. Kelly Gray's muddy first version was a wreck.

Yeah... I bought the original version last year without reading about it first and have regretted it since. It sounds like it's playing from an AM radio station with poor reception. It's really bad. :erk: