"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: My future is being well-planned or not has, IMO, no impact on how it'll be in the end. I just keep myself a general goal, otherwise, I get confused.

Q: Do you often look to the past and regret?
A: Never give up the world of arts and culture and preferably have a carreer in said field of "study".

Q: Yours? (if you have one)
Bahhh sorry

my spelling teacher says I should repeat things if I spell them wrong....

Ivanna fuck


Undo said get you flowers so if you see a retarded child falling out of the sky with a parachute and pretty flowers, thats me :)
He said he has two beds in his room.

Which was kinda interesting
Hahahahaah So thats what your room looks like. Nice pictures/do I see a celestial sphere in there?
A: Kindness of the sincere kind (i.e. not the kind of "kindness" that's mere politeness with the sole objective of not being hated by society; i mean the real stuff, the willingness to help people, the willingness to be there, the sincerity when someone says stuff like "i hope you get better"); brilliance (not knowing a lot of things or being good at math, but really being a brilliant person and knowing how to take things, what to say and when to say it, what's important and what's not); honesty; simplicity (i'm not sure this is the correct word in english, but what i'm trying to say is just being oneself without trying to look like something one is not or like someone else); will (i.e. actually having a brain and being an individual, as opposed to being just another robot programmed by society and going with the flow); and having dreams (which could be considered as part of having will; a person without dreams is a person with an empty life, and these days everyone just wants to be rich or to find a more or less stable job and live in peace instead of being someone great and changing the world; these days, people hate revolutionaries and geniuses). And several others, but these are the ones that come to mind.

Q: Great question, so same.
A: Full-blown honesty, I fear, has almost disappeared from the face of the Earth and that is a big shame. Self-confidence also, which has recently been materialized for many individuals into some MTV-enhanced form of overconsumption, seems to be vanishing.

Q: You?