"New" (2006) Q&A thread

a: yeash. Me and some dudes from my class drew a cartoon of Jesus and 13 disciples (mohammed being one of them) for our school-ending party. In the cartoon they perform cannibalism with the body of christ and other suspicious activity. The denmark-muslisms-freedom of speech -debate was the hottest at that time.
q: what is coolest cd-package you own? Now I don´t mean just the cover and inlay but the whole thing.
Dark Tranquillity - Character
Dark Tranquillity - The Mind's I
Quo Vadis - Defiant Imagination
Quo Vadis - Day Into Night
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness
Winds - Reflections of The I

And I hope to get something from uneXpect soon.

Q: Would you eat human flesh for survival?
A: Dunno
Q: If your only option of survival was eating a human, would you?
A: Yes, but India didn't and look where they are :)
Q: Do you know the history of the conflict?
A: We (USA and Britain) Overthrew their democratic government in 1953 because their prime minister nationalized the oil. We put a tyrannical leader in their government, who was overthrown in 1979. Iran used to be allies with us, until we literally changed their government from democracy to tyranny. TONS more to this story, just ask if you need more.
Nuclear crisis:
I'll ask my dad tonight.

War with Iraq:
In the late 80's we encouraged Iraq to go to war with Iran over stupid land disputes because we were enemies with both countries (Israel supported Iran also, but then again we support Israel). The war accomplished nothing and tens of millions of people died. Now Saddam isn't cooperating with us so we waged war on him (using democracy and WMD's as ecuses) In reality though, it isn't a democracy because we don't like their elected leader and are making them choose a new one.

Terrorists (not so sure on this one but here's my best guess):
We supported Afghanistan during their war with Russia. After the war, the leftover soldiers took over and waged a civil war. A group from the north, known as the taliban became vigilantes and restored justice. (Probably didn't answer your question but oh well...)

Do you need sources for your bibliography?
Ahh Terrorist in Iran, sorry didn't understand your question. As far as I'm concerned, they don't exist but I'll double check with my dad tonight.

I'll get the sources soon for you :)