"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: Cigar smoke has a more prominent and flavoursome odor, so it is the most smelly, but in the sense of bad smell, cigarette smoke is worse than shit... in my opinion. And the only thing worse is burning polystyrene or dirty fucking Soap/Resin/Whatever you wanna call that god awful cheap shit stoners smoke.

Q: If I highly Reccomended that you read Legend by David Gemmel, would you consider it, or do you not value my opinion when it comes to literature enough to be prompted in the direction of that particular novel of the drenai?
A: I would actually consider it. the problem is, although I enjoy reading, I don't do it much and I already have about 500 books on my "to-read" list so by the time I get there....Still, I'll put it on my list.

Q: A new law will be in effect starting may 31st that bans smoking from any bars in my province. Do you approve of this law or do you consider it limits the liberties of the population?
A: "Hmmm, I need to gaussian blur the image by 1.2 pixels, fix the level and color balance, more contrast and blue and cyan for shadow, midtone and highlights. And if possible, smudge and liquify the whole image for surreal-like distortions..."

Q: You?
A: Today i felt really beautiful. I've had myself photographed today and so...

Q: Ever wanted to kill your best friend... for real?