"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: None of the above. I don't play games. Hah.

Q: What the hell should i eat when it's 5am and there's no sweets around?
A: Supposedly studying. And i'm saying supposedly because apparently i'm dumbing out. I almost ended up putting the box of cereals in the fridge. :hypno:
As for my question above, i (obviously) had cereals and i sacrificed the chocolate my mom keeps for melting on sweets. And i'm now having some mint infusion.

Q: What are you doing up at 5 in the morning? And where exactly do you live?
A: Work, probably, under pressing deadline (I wake up at that time if needed, I don't stay till - that would be inefficient). I live in a nice 2 bedroom apartment in the center of Philly... next to the park :D

Q: Say, you are tired of fucking. Your other proposals of activity around 5 am?
A: Sleeping. Watching King of the Hill. Recording Grindcore.

Q: Would you be scared if for the past week you'd been falling asleep to what you thought was the sound of an owl hooting in the distance, only to find out while on a night walk it's actually an elderly lady with dementia screaming in terror?
A1: Assuming that by "fucking" you mean "working", i'd suggest watching a movie or an episode of your favourite tv series, reading something, taking a walk, sleeping.
A2: I wouldn't be scared, but i would find it slightly creepy and unsettling indeed. And i'd be sad for the lady.

Q: What's the purpose of this all?
A: Weather, guitar, time zone and north from here. But i always had the impression you're from the US.

Q: Come on, spill it, i'm too tired to stalk you at this hour.