"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A: Yes, but Google already implementing it (Mapplets).

Q: Who am I to compete/alternate with Google? Join them???????
A: Other than textbooks, i really can't recall right now.

Q: Do you have any phobias? If so, name them.
A: Because i wasn't getting any. Errr, i mean because it was dumb.

Q: What would you want as a present right now?
A: a few certain Swedes showing up at my doorstep :D

B: what should I get ughi for birthday? he already has a strap-on and wants a toaster...
A: Basically, E = mc² = Love. I read that at a bus stop once.

Q: "Necroing" old threads - thumbs up or thumbs down?
A: Basically, E = mc² = Love. I read that at a bus stop once.

Q: "Necroing" old threads - thumbs up or thumbs down?

A: Thumbs up. Reminds me of how "active" this board used to be. :p

Still think it has the highest percentage of good users out of anywhere I go to, though.

Q: What do you think the goodies will be for the upcoming DT DVD Boxset (aside from the two cd/two dvd information already known)?
Don't care, really. Just being here for the good ol' times - DT doesn't do it for me any more. But I think it will be exceptional, as always.

Q: Ever went to a funeral of a close relative where you actually were embarassed you did not feel any sadness at all?