"New" (2006) Q&A thread

Malaclypse said:
i can't give you a name, but i guess it's this hilarious english comedy show with klaus the german? at least i know one episode where he complains about the bus being late.
If that scene is from a sketch show and starts out with a polite inquiry as to why the bus isn't on time, moves on to the German apologising for his nation's conduct during the war, and ends with the German shouting "zis vould nefer haf happend under ze Nazis", then that programme is either Harry Enfield and Chums or Harry Enfield's Brand Spanking New Show - but I'm sure the German in question was called Jurgen and wouldn't have said "I'm german, it's whott veeh do!"

As for the original 100 points, right now I can only think of McBain from the Simpsons, for some reason.
A : Damn straight it's 42. What else could it be? 41?

Q : A musical style you wish never existed?

@Undo : WWJD = What Would Jesus Do?
A : Rap is music? didn't know that. Ok one style that should've never existed is country music :ill:

Q : And what do you burn apart from witches?
A: turbo folk, a balkanian mixture of folk elements, cheap synth sounds, tune deaf singers and lots of silicone

Q:whats your favourite booze?
solefald said:
Q:how does your room look like?

A: It looks like this:


//I think there was opposite: 1000 ways to live and only 1 way to die

Q: Would you stab the drama?
a: no, no, most definitely not.

q: do you have your own room or your own home?