"New" (2006) Q&A thread

A : Stupidest thing I ever heard was nothing....actually it was the stupidest thing ever happend to me (let me explain: i was standing in the front of my studensts i've explained something about cnc-machines and i've asked if they understand what I was talking about or if i need to explain that more clearly....and nobody was answering .....they were sitting there and looking in my face without saying anything)

Q: what are your favorite spices?
A: Oregano and some stuff from Georgia (Europe, legal stuff =)

Q: Favourite incense smell (if you burn any)?

solefald said:
@plintus nice room but wheres the bed? you know "plintus' palace of love" and so on...

Haha, this place isn't a palace of love anymore, but the sheets on the bed are still red :D Come over, I'll be your guide :D :D :D
A : Yes, and a hell of a violent dream. I was murdering people in a very grisly way with an axe. But, yesterday, I watched Underworld 2, The Return of The King and I played Resident Evil 4 a lot so I guess that explains it. Unless I'm turning into a sadist...

Q : Do you have nightmares?
A: I used to, and they defied all (known) laws of the universe. Since some years back the closest thing to nightmares i ever have are mildly unpleasant dreams (for instance, last night i dreamt i was going out with a girl called Mary, who in real life used to be my best friend and now is greatly disliked by me).

Q: Stupidest thing you've ever said?
A: EXT: I'm in a restaurant... a severely autistic person is throwing his food around and going "Urghgh reererr" so I say... "I wonder what's going through its mind while it ruins dinner for everyone."

Thoughtless of me I know...

Other stupid quote - "You can't not enjoy a 12 inch dick up the arse..."

This is me at my most insensitive. I apologise to anyone affected by a spasticated family member or being dicked up arse right hard.

Q: You?
A: Oooh, there's many, many stupid things i've said... But one of the funniest has to be an all-time cliché:

Four years ago: I'm talking to a friend at school, and Olga (the middle-school director and my literature teacher at the time) is walking right behind me, and i go like "i hate Olga, she's a horrible woman, stupid, a bad teacher..." and so on.

Q: Funniest situation you've been in?
That would suck if I did that..
A: Leaning out of a car going sixty miles an hour and choking.
Q: Summer Breeze is a relaxing name. Is it as relaxing as it sounds?
A: The sunset beach at Puerto Vallarta or Veracruz, feeling the soft breeze on my face, hearing the waves crash softly against the sand and watching the oranges and reds of a fiery sky darken to violets and blues.

Q: Am i too much of a romantic? ;)
UndoControl said:
A: It's more relaxing than it sounds. At least in Puerto Vallarta. :)

I was refering to summer breeze festival... unless I'm missing some joke.
A : Never met her so I can't really tell. Let's say I believe you are able of doing the right choice.

Q : Do you think she's right?