"New" (2006) Q&A thread

Sorry, Rincewind, I believe you and I were posting at about the same time a little earlier.

A: It's internet slang for "whatever"

Q: Should I have bothered clarifiying? :dopey:
A : Yes, and you should have said it means "ever" not "whatever".

Q : Am I right? 'cause doubt has risen in my mind.
A : Won the nobel prize for peace. Oh wait, no I didn't. Seriously the best thing yet is DT's show in Québec and Montréal!

Q : Can you read this? If not, you are blind or illiterate.
A : Only once. Dammit. But I'm gonna remedy that this month and this'll triple my count.

Q : Do you have, or ever had, long hair?
A : Yes, and I am not that lucky ya know....

Q : Is this thread turning into a dialogue 'tween me and Rincewind? (not that I don't like talking to you. I actually rather appreciate this)
A : Seeing DT 3 times is good. But I can't even begin to imagine how it would be if I'd live in northern Europe...It'd be more like 4-5 times a year....

Q : Strongest drink you ever had?
A: 666 is number of the beast. 999 is the number of god.

Q: is rampy trying to excuse the fact that he posted again?